Guidance on Chapter 5 of the Regulations – Policies, Records, Complaints and Notifications
Regulation 5 - Engaging with the Wider System to Ensure Each Child’s Needs are Met
The Children’s Views, Wishes and Feelings Standard
This chapter should be read in conjunction with the following:
Whistleblowing Procedure (Blackpool Children's Services Procedures Manual)
Allegations Against Staff and Volunteers within Children's Homes Procedure
Please note - This procedure does not apply to concerns in relation to a child who is in need of protection, these must be dealt with under the Safeguarding Children and Young People and Referring Safeguarding Concerns Procedure.
Children's Commissioner for England
Help at Hand – Free, confidential support and advice from Children in Care living away from home or receiving support for Children’s Services.
Tel: 0800 528 0731 (free phone number)
Ofsted (who regulate and inspect Children's Homes)
Tel: 0300 123 1231
See Complaints and Representations (Blackpool Children’s Services Procedures Manual).