Placements and Admissions


The Quality and Purpose of Care Standard
Regulation 6

The Care Planning Standard
Regulation 14


In May 2022, this chapter was updated throughout.

1. Introduction

Before a child moves in to our home, it is essential that the placing authority fully understands exactly what a home can offer and how they will care for the child.

Furthermore, the proposed placement of a child should only be accepted when the home's registered manager is satisfied that the home can respond effectively to the child's assessed needs (as recorded in the child's relevant plans), as well as having fully considered the impact that the placement will have on the existing group of children living in the home.

2. Referrals

Upon receipt of a referral, the home's registered manager will review the referral information, speak to the referring social worker and wider care team, and assess whether the admission is appropriate. This decision will be based upon the home's Statement of Purpose, the child's assessed needs (including health and education); what additional resources may be required to support the child in the placement (e.g. CYPMHS; education support etc.), the needs of other children and young people already living in the home and an assessment of the risks of agreeing to the child moving in. The registered manager will complete an Impact Risk Assessment to support their decision to accept/not accept the referral. The Impact Risk Assessment will be a balanced assessment taking into account the strengths of the child, the positive aspects of the child's admission to the home, both in relation to their own welfare needs and the impact upon other young people living at the home. Any additional risks will also be identified, and possible strategies agreed to manage any risks or concerns. It may not always be possible to admit a child or young person based upon the Impact Risk Assessment. The manager will record their decision whether or not to admit a child or young person, return it to the referring social worker or commissioning officer and quality assurance manager, and place a copy in the home's Referral File.

3. Planning

Once the admission of a child has been agreed, a Pre-Placement Planning Meeting will be arranged to discuss the Care Plan and draw up a Placement Plan, complete risk assessments, Behaviour Management Plans and ensure that all of the essential documentation is up to date and included in the child's care file. This should include a copy of the referral and an assessment of any risks to other children in the home arising from this admission.

Except in an emergency, no admission will be made to a children's home without a written referral, all essential documentation, information and risk assessments. When a child moves in in an emergency, the referral, other documentation and information and risk assessment(s) must be provided within 72 hours of admission.

It is the social worker's responsibility to provide all of the essential documentation. It is the young person's Key Worker's responsibility to organise the child's residential file and to obtain any outstanding documentation and information. An escalation policy is available to support this process.

Prior to the agreed moving-in date, the child, parent, family and significant others, as appropriate, should be invited to visit the home on at least one occasion, to meet the other children and staff and to ask any questions and have any queries or concerns answered. Dependent upon the child's wishes, the child would have an opportunity to spend time at the home with their identified key worker, meet the staff and young people and have at least one overnight visit.

The child's bedroom should be prepared prior to admission. Where possible, they should be able to choose their own bedding, the furniture, decoration or colour scheme and layout.

The child and parent/carer should all be given a copy of the home's Statement of Purpose. The child should also be given a Welcome Pack including Children's Guide and the parent or carer receive a parents/carers' guide to read in preparation for the child moving to live in their new home. They should be prepared for the admission to the home and helped to understand what to expect from staff and what will be expected of them. The child should be encouraged to bring with them favourite and cherished possessions, although expensive items will require careful consideration.

4. Arriving at the Home

Each home should have established processes for welcoming and introducing each child to the home. Staff must be sensitive to the needs of the child at the time of arrival (particularly in the case of emergency placements). Staff will play a key role in helping children to understand why they are living there and explaining plans for their future.

All children are entitled to a warm welcome and introduction to the home. The introduction should consider the child's abilities and capacity to understand and retain information. It may be appropriate for the introduction to routines to take place over a period of time, and/or be delivered in different formats depending on the child's communication and cognitive abilities. Staff should establish the child's understanding of key information about living in the home and the expectations of their care in order to identify whether there are gaps in the child's understanding which need to be addressed.

Children and young people currently living in the home should be asked contribute to any review of the procedures for welcoming new arrivals. 

An identified member of staff (the Key Worker wherever possible) should welcome the child, parent, social worker and significant others. They should ensure that the Admission and Discharge Log details are recorded. They should settle the child in by showing them to their bedroom and helping them unpack. They should also ensure that the child understands the Children's Guide especially in terms of their rights and their responsibilities, and have the routines and rules of the home explained to them. It is important that the child understands what to do if they are not happy about anything and that they will be listened to.

See also: Education Procedure.

5. Helping Children Settle

Many children find it difficult to settle in a strange environment, and this is likely to be exacerbated if their move to the home has been rushed or the circumstances leading to the move were traumatic.

Key Workers should do all they can to help children feel at home, including trying (where possible) to maintain some of the routines to which they have been accustomed. This may include supporting existing positive friendships, supporting Family Time arrangements, out of school clubs and hobbies etc.

The Key Worker should arrange regular sessions (at least weekly) with the child to ensure that they have the opportunity to express their views and wishes and raise any concerns or complaints they may have about their care. It is important to hold these sessions throughout their stay but especially so in the days and weeks immediately following their admission.

The Keyworker will offer the young person opportunities to familiarise themselves with the local area, transport, local amenities, clubs and activities.

6. Notifications

The manager of the home must ensure that due consideration has been given to notifying the young person's education/training provider. The young person may wish to remain with their existing services such as GP, Dentist, Opticians etc however it may require the Children's home to inform them of the change of young person's address for correspondence etc.