Independent, Voluntary and Community Services
Independent and voluntary and community sector agencies play a very significant role in supporting Adults at Risk, their carers and families. There is a diverse and evolving range of such agencies: from large organisations to small local charities. Whatever their size or remit, they often work in partnership with public sector providers, such as Adult Social Care and the Police.
All independent and voluntary sector organisations have a role in ensuring Adults at Risk are kept safe, in reporting any concerns to the Single Point of Referral for Community and Social Services and/or the Police and participating in the Safeguarding Adults Procedures as requested. They are also responsible for ensuring their own procedures and practices complement these multi-agency procedures, and that they liaise as appropriate with the Safeguarding Partnership Board (SPB) to access training and other support for their staff and volunteers.
All IVCS organisations should include safeguarding adults within their induction programmes. Safeguarding should be integral to policies and procedures, for example:
IVCS can promote safeguarding and support statutory organisations through consultations on policy and developments, work on prevention strategies and promoting wider public awareness.