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LancashireChildren's Social Care Procedures Manual

Local Resources

This local resource section is populated and maintained locally. If there is a resource that you think should be added talk in the first instance to your manager.

Please note: National guidance refers to ‘Children in Care’ to describe a child that is in the care of the local authority. In Lancashire we refer to ‘Children in our Care’.

CAPTION: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Title: When Inserted:
ICPC and RCPC Process 31.3.20
Regional Transfer Procedure for CiN and CPP 31.3.20
CAPTION: All children
All Children
Title: When Inserted:
Advocacy Information- Mental Health Support July 2019
Advocacy Information- Child Protection July 2019
Complex Safeguarding Protocol August 2021
Case Summary Guidance and Top Tips 17.6.20
Lancashire Appeals Policy to Child Protection April 2022
Parent/ Carer Guide to Child Protection System
Plans and Reviews for Children in Need
Case Transfer Guide- What Young People Want
Channel Guide- Good Practice
Section 17 Policy August 2019
Babies Cry Support Poster
Babies Cry Launch Flyer
CSafe Multi Agency Information
Family Guide to the Care System
Lancashire Intervention for Families Team July 2019
Lancashire Intervention for Families Team- Referral Form July 2019
Significant Event Notification- September September 2021
Significant Event Briefing Template August 2019
Consent- Top Tips May 2020
Lancashire Young Carers Service Referral Form May 2020
Channel 7 Minute Briefing May 2020
Channel- Referral Form May 2020
Level 3 and 4 decisions 17.11.20
ICPC Booking Request Form 13.1.21
Level 3 Threshold Guidance 13.1.21
MASH Dispute Resolution 13.1.21
Child and Family Practitioner Supervision Template January 2022
Child Friendly Bridging Plan January 2022
Child Friendly Cycle of Change January 2022
Generic LCC Induction January 2022
Adult Worker Court Template Guidance January 2022
Family Safeguarding Adult Worker Referral Process Flowchart January 2022
Assessment and Planning Framework February 2022
Professional Challenge Protocol September 2022
Scheme of Delegation 2023 November 2023
One page guidance for sexual abuse allegations May 2024
CAPTION: Looked after children
Children in Our Care
Title: When Inserted:
Bridging Guidance for Rehabilitation Home January 2022
Child Criminal Exploitation Briefing March 2020
CLA- Promoting Education
Corporate Parenting Promises February 2019
Corporate Parenting- Top Tips Feb 2019
Designated Teacher Training- CLA
Discharge Protocol
Discharge Protocol- Social Work Discharge Statement
IRO Strategy Meeting Request Form March 2020
LADO Procedure and Threshold Guidance March 2020
Life Story Work Policy and Procedure January 2022
Lasting Homes Panel Protocol February 2022
SGO Financial Process Flowchart January 2019
PEP Champions May 2023
PEP Checklist for CSC Staff October 2023
Simple Guide to PEPs for Social Workers October 2023
PEP Meeting Agenda October 2023
PEPSA Procedure and Criteria May 2024
PEPSA Higher Education University Bursary Form May 2024
PEPSA Laptop Application Form May 2024
PEPSA Laptop Agreement 01.07.20
PEPSA Application Form Update May 2024
Employability Support Post 16 Referral Form January 2022
Info Guide for Visits to looked After Children
Multi Agency Care Planning Meetings
MAPPA Information July 2019
Staying Put Policy August 2023
Staying Put FAQs June 2021
Staying Put- IRO Checklist July 2019
Staying Put- Young Person's Guide June 2021
Pre Assessment Form- Joint Heath Funding August 2019
Top Tips for Writing a Good PL1- for social Workers 24.4.20
Referral Form to Employment Support Team 26.6.20
Updated process for sourcing placements with education 30.9.20
Stage 1- Request for search for placement with education 30.9.20
Stage 2- Request for school funding for education in residential placement 30.9.20
Additional information for sourcing placements with education 30.9.20
Section 20 Charging Policy 2020- 2021 3.11.2020
Leaving Care Practice Standards August 2022
Leaving Care Practice Guidance v2 November 2022
The Role of the Personal Advisor August 2022
Leaving Care- My Needs and Pathways August 2022
Lifelong Links Information Leaflet June 2023
Lifelong Links Referral Form June 2023
Family group Conference Consent Form September 2023
How we support stability- disruption process December 2023
CAPTION: Permanence table
Title: When Inserted:
Staying Put Guidance 17.07.2020
Staying Put Policy 2022- 23 June 2022
Staying Put- Carers Leaflet 17.07.2020
Staying Put- Young Person's Guide 17.07.2020
Staying Put- Roles and Responsibilities Table 17.07.2020
Staying Put- IRO Checklist 17.07.2020
Flowchart for SP arrangements- Continuing in EET after 18th Birthday June 2022
SP finances- Continuing in EET after 18th Birthday June 2022
Flowchart for SP arrangements- Not continuing in EET after 18th Birthday June 2022
SP finances- Not continuing in EET after 18th Birthday June 2022
Staying Put FAQs June 2021
Forms and Templates


When Inserted:

Attachment 1- Flowchart to support permanence process March 2020
Attachment 2- Request for Legal Planning Meeting March 2020
Attachment 3- Letter before Proceedings- Template Letter June 2020
Attachment 4- Schedule of Expectations March 2020
Attachment 5- Permanence Panel Submission Form April 2020


When Inserted:

Attachment 9- Section 20 Agreement March 2020
Attachment 10- Pre- Proceedings Flowchart March 2020
Attachment 11- Comparisons of Legal Outcomes March 2020
Attachment 12- Advantages and disadvantages of different legal advice March 2020
Attachment 14- Permanence Panel Terms of Reference March 2020
Attachment 15- Differences betwen connected foster carers and special guardians March 2020
Attachment 16- Assessing Friends and Family- Practical Guide March 2020
Attachment 17- SGO Financial Process March 2020
Attachment 18- Special Guardianship Orders- Good Practice Guide March 2020
Attachment 19- Early Permanence Adoption Timeline March 2020
Attachment 20- CPR Guidance Tool March 2020
Attachment 21- Creating a CPR, LCS Guidance March 2020
Attachment 22- Pro Forma ADM SHOPA March 2020
Attachment 23- ADM Submission Checklist SHOPA March 2020
Attachment 25- Questions for Carers for CPR March 2020
Attachment 26- CPR QA Checklist March 2020
Attachment 27- CPR Presentation March 2020
Attachment 28- Exploring Relationship Roles and Differential Treatment January 2022
Attachment 29- Identifying Difficult Patterns of behaviour and aggression January 2022
Attachment 30- Initial Overview of each child January 2022
Attachment 31- Observations by Health Staff January 2022
Attachment 32- Observations of Family Time between Brothers and Sisters January 2022
Attachment 33- Observations of Family Time with parents and between brothers and sisters January 2022
Attachment 34- Observations of sibling relationships January 2022
Attachment 35- Parents and Relatives Views about Family Relationships January 2022
Attachment 36- Sibling Assessment January 2022
Attachment 37- Children's Physical Aggression January 2022
Attachment 38- Observations by education staff- pre school January 2022
Attachment 39- Observations by education staff- school January 2022
A Charter for Brothers and Sisters January 2022
CAPTION: Fostering and adoption
Fostering and Adoption
Title: When Inserted:
Adoption Guide to Mailbox Letters
Adoption Mailbox Letters- Birth Families to Adopters
Adoption Mailbox Letters- Adopters to Birth Families
1. Beyond Together or Apart- Parents and Relatives- Views about the Child and their Sibling Relationships January 2022
2. Beyond Together or Apart- Exploring sibling roles and any differential treatment January 2022
3. Beyond Together or Apart- Foster Carer- Initial Overview of each Child January 2022
4. Beyond Together or Apart- Foster Carer Observations of Brother/ Sister Relationships,Positive and Negative January 2022
5. Beyond Together or Apart- Identifying Patterns of Behaviour and Aggression January 2022
5a. Beyond Together or Apart- Notes of Children's Physical Aggression January 2022
6. Beyond Together or Apart- Observations of contact between separated brothers/sisters January 2022
7. Beyond Together or Apart- Supervisor- Observation of Family Time between parents/ brothers/ sister January 2022
8. Beyond Together or Apart- Parents and relatives views of children and sibling relationships January 2022
9. Beyond Together or Apart- Observations by health staff January 2022
10. Beyond together or Apart- Observations by staff- pre- school January 2022
11. Beyond Together or Apart- Observations by school January 2022
12. Beyond Together or Apart- Siblings assessments- key assessments January 2022
13. Charter for Brothers and Sisters- Agencies January 2022
Connected Carer Protocol Update March 2020
Early Permanence 3 Minute Guide August 2019
Family Guide to Child Protection System
Life Story Book Protocol
SHOPA ADM Consultation Dates 2020 September 2019
Guidance Document for SHOPA Decision
Adopters Agreement 29.5.20
Birth Family Agreement 29.5.20
CAPTION: Pending updates
Pending Updates for Manual
Title: When Inserted: