PLEASE NOTE: New Standards Published

April 2011: The Standards no longer apply, Tri.x have published a web enabled version of the new Children’s Homes and Fostering Standards, please follow this link:


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2. Programmes of Training for Staff

  1. normal and abnormal child development

  2. basic residential child care skills and team working

  3. specific child care approaches and skills appropriate to the home’s purpose and function

  4. exercising appropriate positive means of control over children in the interests of their own welfare and the protection of others

  5. recording skills

  6. permitted and prohibited disciplinary measures

  7. use of restraint

  8. child protection

  9. issues of race, ethnicity, religion and culture

  10. dealing with sexuality

  11. health education relevant to growing children including diet and nutrition

  12. the implications of HIV and AIDS when looking after children

  13. communicating with children, including those with disabilities

  14. health and safety at work, including food hygiene and safety with medicines

  15. fire precautions

  16. first aid

  17. the Children Act 1989, the Human Rights Act 1998 and other relevant legislation

  18. the provision of purposeful and enjoyable activities as part of a positive care experience

  19. staff supervision [for staff with supervisory responsibility]

  20. interview techniques [for staff with recruitment responsibilities]

  21. complaints and representations procedures

  22. the requirements of these National Minimum Standards

  23. specific child care approaches, knowledge and skills for their role in the home

  24. working with families

  25. undertaking risk assessments.