April 2011: The Standards no longer apply, Tri.x have published a web enabled version of the new Children’s Homes and Fostering Standards, please follow this link:
3. Complaints and Protection |
Complaints and Representation |
OUTCOME Any complaint will be addressed without delay and the complainant is kept informed of progress. |
16.1 | Children know how and feel able to complain if they are unhappy with any aspect of living in the home. Any complaint is addressed seriously and without delay, and a complaint will be fully responded to within a maximum of 28 days, and children are kept informed of the progress. |
16.2 | Children, and where appropriate their families, significant others and independent visitors, are provided with information on how to complain, including how they can secure access to an advocate. Where necessary, this access is to an advocate who is suitably skilled (e.g. in signing or in speaking the complainant’s preferred language) |
16.3 | The home’s complaints procedure: |
16.4 | There is a procedure for handling external complaints, e.g. those from local shopkeepers, neighbours, the police, etc. |
16.5 | The registered person has provided the home with a written policy and procedural guidelines on considering and responding to representations and complaints in accordance with legal requirements and relevant government guidance. The policy clearly includes the right and the means for all children placed by an authority to access the complaints procedure of their placing authority, the right of children, parents, staff, others working in the home, and placing authorities to make complaints to the National Care Standards Commission, and details of how they may contact the Commission. The policy is provided in suitable summary or format(s) to children at the home, their parents and placing authorities, and to all staff and others working at the home (any of whom are provided with a copy of the full procedure on request). |
16.6 | All staff receive training in the complaints procedures covering the following areas: |
16.7 | The registered person of the home regularly reviews the records of complaints by children or concerning the welfare of children, to check satisfactory operation of the complaints procedure, and to identify both patterns of complaint and action taken on individual complaints. The registered person takes any appropriate action from such a review in relation to the home’s policies and practices, as well as taking any necessary further follow up action in relation to individual cases. [Regulations 24 and 27] |