PLEASE NOTE: New Standards Published

April 2011: The Standards no longer apply, Tri.x have published a web enabled version of the new Children’s Homes and Fostering Standards, please follow this link:

2. Quality of Care

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The education of children is actively promoted as valuable in itself and as part of their preparation for adulthood.



14.1 There is an education policy that shows how the home intends to promote and support the educational attainment of children throughout the time they live there. This includes supporting the child by facilitating their prompt arrival at school with the necessary school equipment.
14.2 Each child’s file contains a copy of their Personal Education Plan (PEP) (DfES/Department of Health Guidance on the Education of Young People in Public Care [May 2000]) setting out a record of their educational achievements, needs and aspirations. Other relevant documents are kept on file including any record of educational history and any statement of special educational needs. Staff are familiar with the educational histories and needs of the children in the home.
14.3 Each child is given full access to educational facilities, at both school level and in further or higher education as appropriate, wherever feasible and in line with the child’s age, aptitude, needs, interests and potential.
14.4 The Personal Education Plan ot placement plan explicitly address:
  • education and whether the child’s needs will be met by attending a particular
  • educational establishment
  • any special educational needs and how they will be met
  • the level of monitoring oparental/social worker involvement in the education of the child
  • dates of national examinations such as SATs, GCSE, AS, and A levels, and any other examinations the child may intend taking
  • staff with responsibility for liaising with schools, careers service, job centre, employment agencies and local employers as appropriate
  • arrangements for travelling to and from school.f a child’s school attendance
14.5 Children are provided with facilities that are conducive to study and to do homework and are actively encouraged and supported in doing so – this includes provision of books, computers and library membership. Children are given help with homework if they wish. Children are not denied participation in extra-curricular activities because they are in care.
14.6 In the absence of a child’s parents, staff of the home attend parents’ meetings and other school events which are normally attended by the parents of other children at the school.
14.7 For children of compulsory school age who are not in school (or a Pupil Referral Unit), the registered person has in place an educational programme during normal school hours; and works with the placing authority to secure appropriate full-time educational provision.

[Regulation 18 ]