April 2011: The Standards no longer apply, Tri.x have published a web enabled version of the new Children’s Homes and Fostering Standards, please follow this link:
3. Complaints and Protection |
Notification of Significant Events |
OUTCOME All significant events relating to the protection of children accommodated in the home are notified by the registered person of the home to the appropriate authorities. |
20.1 | The registered person has a system in place to notify within 24 hours the persons and appropriate authorities of the occurrence of significant events in accordance with Regulation 30. |
20.2 | The registered person ensures the notification to the parents of the child concerned of any other significant incident affecting their child’s welfare, unless such a notification is either not reasonably practicable, or would be likely to place the child’s welfare at risk. |
20.3 | A written record is kept which includes details of the action taken, and the outcome of any action or investigation, following notifiable events. |
20.4 | The registered person has a system for notification to the placing authorities of any serious concerns about the emotional or mental health of a child such that a mental health assessment would be requested under the Mental Health Act 1983. |
20.5 | The registered person of the home requests a meeting involving the placing authority and others involved in the child’s protection or care plan to discuss proposed action following any incident notified under Regulation 30 or any initial steps taken to deal with any emergency. Where a meeting is not held, this is with the agreement of the placing authority. [Regulation 30] |