PLEASE NOTE: New Standards Published

April 2011: The Standards no longer apply, Tri.x have published a web enabled version of the new Children’s Homes and Fostering Standards, please follow this link:

1. Planning for Care

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Preparation for Leaving Care




Children receive care which helps to prepare them for and support them into adulthood.



6.1 The registered person ensures that there is a comprehensive plan for young people preparing to leave care and to move into independent or semiindependent living, which specifies the support and assistance they will need to receive to enable a successful transition into adulthood, and which is implemented in practice. This plan is consistent with the young person’s placement plan and any care plan, and is consistent with and also contributes to the Pathway Plan and any transition plan for children with disabilities and special educational needs.
6.2 The registered person, in agreement with the placing authority, implements the leaving care plan and any aspects of the Pathway Plan which are the responsibility of the home. These plans clearly outline the arrangements for:
  • education, training and employment
  • securing safe and affordable accommodation
  • support necessary for disabled young people
  • financial assistance to enable the young person to set up and maintain independent accommodation if applicable
  • claiming welfare benefits where this is identified as a need and they qualify
  • general and specialised health education and health care, and other specialist services such as counselling
  • maintaining existing important networks as defined by the young person, which may include the children’s home
  • creating new networks of advice and support if this is applicable
  • appropriate leisure pursuits
  • seeking assistance should problems arise.
6.3 The registered person contributes to the development of the Pathway Plan for young people who are eligible under the Children Act 1989 (as amended by the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000) and works collaboratively, where appropriate, with the young person’s personal adviser in implementing the Plan. 
6.4 Such plans are written in agreement with the young person, who is given a copy of the plans.
6.5 Leaving care plans take into account the religious, racial, linguistic and cultural background of the young person.
6.6 Particular attention is paid in preparing children for leaving care to the continuing needs of the young person to:
  • develop and maintain relationships with others
  • understand their sexuality and establish positive, caring social and sexual relationships
  • develop self-esteem
  • prepare for the world of work and or further or higher education
  • develop practical, daily life knowledge and skills.
6.7 The daily life of the home provides opportunities for all children in the home, appropriate to the age and needs of each child, for the development of knowledge and skills needed by the child for future independent living.

[Children Act 1989, Sections 22,61,64]