
July 2024

Caption: July 2024
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Smoking This chapter has been refreshed.
Drugs Information has been added to reflect the reclassification of nitrous oxide as a Class C drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (as amended).
Recognising Abuse and Neglect Definitions have been updated in line with revised Working Together to Safeguard Children.
Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines Minor amendments have been made to definitions in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children.
Female Genital Mutilation A new Section 8, Other Harmful Practices has been added. The Health and Care Act 2022 has made it illegal to carry out, offer or aid and abet virginity testing or hymenoplasty in any part of the UK. It is also illegal for UK nationals and residents to do these things outside the UK. Information on Breast Flattening has been added which is an offence as set out in CPS So-Called Honour-Based Abuse Legal Guidance.
Safe Use of the Internet, Social Media and Taking Photographs This chapter has been amended. Information has been added in Section 1, Risks as the Online Safety Act 2023 introduced new criminal offences.
Preparation for Leaving Care A link has been added in the Further Information section to Ofsted Guidance Children's Homes that Provide Care and Accommodation for Adults.

Next Update: January 2025

January 2024

Caption: January 2024
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Safe Use of the Internet, Social Media and Taking Photographs This chapter has been refreshed and additional links added in Further Information.
Leadership and Management Section 2.2, Appointment of Manager has been updated in line with updated Ofsted Guidance – Social Care Common Inspection Framework: Children’s Homes.
Staffing and Safe Recruitment

New sections have been added in to Section 2, Safe Recruitment and Employment Checks, on Prospective Staff Spending Time in the Home and Carrying Out Interviews, in line with updated Ofsted guidance.

A link was added to information on DBS Digital Identity Verification Guidance.

July 2023

Caption: July 2023
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Recording This chapter has been updated in relation to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.
Health Care Assessments and Plans Information in relation to allergies has been added into Section 2, Health Care Plans.
Provision and Preparation of Meals Information in relation to allergies has been added into Section 1, Responsibility and Risk Assessments.
Self-Harming and Suicidal Behaviour This chapter has been amended to include a link to Self-harm: Assessment, Management and Preventing Recurrence NICE Guidance into Further Information.
First Aid, Home Remedies and Medication Section 2, Allergies has been added.
Behaviour Management and Support This chapter has been updated to incorporate Ofsted feedback. Information has been added into Section 2, Positive Behaviour Support; Section 6, Risk Assessment and Section 9, Recording and Reporting.
Use of Physical Intervention  This chapter has been updated to incorporate Ofsted feedback. Added into Section 4, Staff Training: ‘This training will be refreshed on an annual basis’. Information on holding a restorative conversation with the child following physical intervention or restraint has been added into Section 12, Recording and Management Review.
Staffing and Safe Recruitment This chapter has been amended in line with revised statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education. Information has been added to note that Keeping Children Safe in Education provides that copies of a curriculum vitae should only be accepted alongside an application form as a curriculum vitae on its own may not provide adequate information. Information has also been added in relation to online searches. It has also been updated in line with Guidance: Children’s Homes – Recruiting Staff (Ofsted).
Allegations Against Staff This chapter has been amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. A new Section 2, The Difference Between an Allegation of Harm and a Concern has been added.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Role of Registered Manager This PDF has been added to the manual.
On Call Briefing This PDF has been added to the manual.
Regulation 40 Brief for Managers This PDF has been added to the manual.
Critical Incident Brief This PDF has been added to the manual.
Managing Placements in Residential Briefing This PDF has been added to the manual.
Supporting Children and Young People with Disabilities This chapter has been added to the manual.

January 2023

Caption: January 2023
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Searching Children/Bedrooms Aadditional information has been added in relation to the arrangements around gender of staff undertaking searches.
New Chapters and Features
Chapter Name Details
Equality and Diversity This chapter has been added.
Consultation and Participation This chapter has been added.