Children's Guide
The Home have a Children's Guide. The Children's Guide are made available to all children when their placement in the Home is agreed (or on arrival at the Home if the placement is made in an emergency) and is age-appropriate, provided in an accessible format and explained to each child to make sure they understand it.
The Children's Guide helps children to understand:
- What the day-to-day routines of the Home are ('what happens in the Home');
- The Statement of Purpose of the Home (the care they can expect to receive while living there);
- How to make a complaint in line with the Home's Complaints procedure;
- How they can access advocacy support or independent advocacy if eligible; and
- How to contact the Office of the Children's Commissioner.
As part of reviewing and revising where appropriate the Statement of Purpose, the registered person should review and update the Children's Guide as necessary, and make sure children are given an explanation of any changes.