
Encompass is the Local Authority Trading Company (LATC), wholly owned by the London Borough of Sutton that deliver a wide range of services including:

  1. Advice and Information;
  2. Homelessness Prevention;
  3. Choice Based Lettings;
  4. Landlord Services;
  5. Support Brokerage;
  6. Shared Lives;
  7. Business Development and Support;
  8. Digital Innovation.

What is a Local Authority Trading Company?

LATCs are bodies that are free to operate as commercial companies but remain wholly owned by the parent local authority, in our case The London Borough of Sutton. As a trading body, Encompass can provide services to a much wider market than a council department – and, crucially, we can generate income which can be ploughed back into the LATC itself or the wider council, contributing to the protection of frontline services.

Why did we form a Local Authority Trading Company?

Local Government is facing unprecedented financial challenges, cuts to funding mean that we have to do more with less. Many of the services that Encompass provides are statutory services, our service users are among the most vulnerable in society and we want to continue to offer good quality services that protect and enhance the wellbeing of those we provide services for.

We also want to ensure that Council Tax payers and the Council achieve the best value for money at a time of significant austerity and rapidly increasing demand – getting the most out of a reducing budget to achieve sustainability.