Review Teams

Introduction and Contents

There are four localities each of which is made up of a First Response Team and a Review Team. The localities cover the following geographical areas in the borough:

Sutton, Cheam, Carshalton, and Wallington.

If you work on a First Response Team see: First Response Teams.

The Review Teams deal with all the reviews and long term casework which is defined as:

  • Annual Reviews (and unscheduled reviews);
  • Appointeeship;
  • Professional Support;
  • Court of Protection;
  • Depleted assets (where people are going below the threshold);
  • Safeguarding (if a case is already allocated to the team);
  • Continuing HealthCare (Checklist and DST).

Timeframe for scheduled reviews

Every service user will receive a review of their care and support plan at least annually and 12 months from the date the last review was completed. There will be some incidences where a review will be conducted more frequently due to complex long term deteriorating conditions.

The team will notify the service user directly and give at least 5 working days’ notice of a proposed scheduled review.

The scheduled review will be completed within 20 working days from its commencement.

If the person's needs have changed then a new support plan will be completed within 10 working days. This timeline may be extended if there are particular complex needs.