Assistive Technology and Telecare
1. The Difference between Assistive Technology and Telecare
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology refers to any gadget that is used to increase, maintain or improve a person's independence or reduce the risk to their wellbeing.
Used effectively, assistive technology can:
- Promote independence;
- Improve confidence;
- Help manage risks around the home and in the community;
- Support a person to remain living at home;
- Help with memory and recall;
- Support a person to carry out key tasks, such as making a cup of tea; and
- Provide reassurance to carers and family members.
Telecare is the term used to describe the range of equipment that can alert a call centre when, for example:
- A person falls; or
- A person leaves their home unexpectedly; or
- A person needs assistance.
Examples of Telecare equipment include:
- A personal alarm (pendant alarm);
- A falls alarm;
- A door sensor.
2. Providing Assistive Technology or Telecare
Assistive technology and Telecare can be provided:
- As part of a Reablement service; or
- To support hospital discharges; or
- Alongside services to meet on ongoing care and support needs; or
- Independent from all of the above.
It is available to people who live in:
- Their own home;
- Rented accommodation (including Local Authority accommodation);
- Supported living;
- Extra Care;
- Shared lives placements.
In Sutton, all assistive technology and Telecare is provided by Eldercare (UK).
If a person lives in residential or nursing care assistive technology and Telecare is normally the responsibility of the provider to assess and arrange.
For a full list of current assistive technology and Telecare available in Sutton see: Telecare Solutions Summary.
3. Information and Advice about Assistive Technology and Telecare
Information about assistive technology and Telecare must be provided whenever it would be of benefit to the person.
There is good information and advice on the Sutton Council website about all of the following:
- How Telecare works;
- What equipment is available;
- How to get alarms and Telecare equipment;
- Seeing equipment before you buy it; and
- Telecare equipment from Sutton Council.
4. Charging for Assistive Technology or Telecare
Telecare arranged to facilitate a hospital discharge is provided free of charge for up to 6 weeks.
Assistive Technology and all other Telecare is chargeable subject to the councils current Charging Policy.
5. The Care and Support Plan
If the person has an existing (or developing) Care and Support Plan any assistive technology or Telecare that is provided to meet on-going needs must be recorded in the plan.
6. Establishing the Need for Assistive Technology or Telecare
Assistive technology and Telecare should not be provided until an appropriate and proportionate assessment of need has been carried out.
Any social care practitioner can assess the likely need for assistive technology and Telecare as part of a needs assessment if they are confident to do so.
For a full list of current assistive technology and Telecare available in Sutton see: Telecare Solutions Summary.
Elder Care will subsequently complete an assistive technology and Telecare assessment to ensure that any equipment requested by the social care practitioner is appropriate. A copy of this assessment will be provided to the social care practitioner.
The social care practitioner should upload the assessment completed by Elder Care to Mosaic and have regard for any conclusions or observations that could impact on the support and services arranged for the person.
Should Elder Care deem the requested assistive technology or Telecare inappropriate, or be aware of a more suitable alternative they will discuss this with the social care practitioner prior to installation.
7. Arranging Assistive Technology or Telecare
Non-Urgent referrals
Tel: 0345 266 1423
Online: Refer your patient online form
Urgent out-of-hours referrals
Hospital discharges (weekdays)
Elder Care Contact Control Centre telephone: 01706 242 804
Online: Refer your patient online form
Hospital discharges (weekend)
The following details should only be used to facilitate an out of hours hospital discharge.
Contact: Rita Bhullar
Contact telephone: 07570520864
Online: Refer your patient online form
Elder Care Contact Control Centre telephone: 01706 242 804
Online: Refer your patient online form QUERY
8. Monitoring and Reviewing Assistive Technology and Telecare
Monitoring alarms
Eldercare Central Call Monitoring Centre will receive alerts. Where contact with the person cannot be made, a mobile responder will be dispatched or the name contact/ local key holder.
Eldercare mobile responders are based locally and there are two mobile responders on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They receive electronic notifications from the call monitoring centre when a person raises the alert and will attend within an agreed timescale.
Monitoring effectiveness
All monitoring activity should be recorded in line with local recording requirements.
At such time when monitoring is no longer required it may cease.
Any assistive technology or Telecare that is part of a person's Care and Support Plan should always be reviewed as part of the statutory review of that plan.
9. Repairing Assistive Technology or Telecare
All repairs are carried out by Elder Care.
Tel: 0345 266 1423
10. Removing Assistive Technology or Telecare
Eldercare should be notified by Encompass or an adult social care practitioner of any termination of services.
Tel: 0345 266 1423
Eldercare customer services will arrange with the person/family collection of the equipment.
Note: If a review has determined that assistive technology or Telecare equipment is no longer required these arrangements should only be made when any alternative provision to meet needs is in place.
11. Further Guidance
Further guidance about local processes can be found on the Sutton Telecare microsite.