Hello Team,
Hopefully you have all seen the update that Access Croydon moves to an appointment only service from today. We ask that everyone reads the update on the Intranet, if you work in a team that might be affected by this change and have any thoughts or concerns, please speak to your head of service. We have also attached the email that was sent to all staff on Friday in case you missed it.
Mandatory CHC Training for ASC Practitioners & Senior Managers
As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting practitioners and senior managers in Adult Social Care (ASC), we are pleased to offer a comprehensive three-day training on Continuing Healthcare (CHC). This training aims to enhance knowledge, provide valuable insights, ensure a well-informed approach to CHC processes and best practices across our service.
To deliver high-quality and tailored training, we have commissioned a specialist trainer. The initial training sessions will take place on:
Dates: 24th – 26th March
Duration: Three consecutive days (attendance required for all three days)
We encourage each team to nominate yourself and/or two colleagues to attend. Participants will be expected to provide constructive feedback, which will help refine future training content. New training dates will be announced in April.
To secure a place, please use the booking link below. Spaces are limited, so early registration is recommended.
Adult Social Care Learning and Development Support Scheme
The Department of Health and Social Care has released information for adult social care employers in England on learning and development support for the financial year 2024 to 2025. More information is available here
Job Opportunities
Service Development Manager, Grade 14
Placements and Brokerage Officer - Grade 8
All council jobs are advertised here
Tuesday, November 21, 2023