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Here is the Adults Care and Support Newsletter for November 2023. This feature includes an update from improvements in Occupational Therapy, a Case Discussion on dealing with someone experiencing a Mental Health crisis and who is unaware of available services. The Supervision Policy has been updated and is now available in Local Resources on TRI.X and a copy is on the LBBD Intranet Adult Social Care Page for you to use as this supports our risk management in the lives of Adults and their carers. Case File Practice Evaluations findings are there for you to celebrate good practice and make changes to where this is needed. The PSW has also provided some reflections about New Town Culture that supported the service away days to support better and more creative Direct Practice with Adults to mention a few features. 

Adult Care and Support Newsletter - November edition
Welcome to the November newsletter which is already number 8 of our adult social care newsletters. This month I would like to start with saying thank you to all of you who contribute every …
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