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The Social Work Manual is updated every 6 months. Sometimes changes need to be introduced, within that period. Practice Guidance Notes (PGN) contain these changes and are circulated to all staff. Click the link below for the Current Practice Guidance Notes.

The Research & Good Practice bulletins are a series of briefings with the findings from individual complaint investigations, management and serious case reviews of children in Hertfordshire.

Practice Guidance Notes  
Research and Good Practice Bulletins  
Child Development Chart October 2018 - Provides information to support understanding of child development from ages 0-21, which includes The Stages of Development, Developmental Theory, Supportive Factors, Cognitive Theory and Associated Training Available.
Child Development Chart Ages 0-21
Online Mental Health Support for Children & Young People - (Sandbox)  
This short study provides an insight into the nature of children’s residential homes, the characteristics and circumstances of the young people who live in them and on the short-term outcomes for these young people living in children's residential homes

These pages provide information that may be helpful to providers of services, local authorities and other people who work with children, young people, families and foster carers

Statutory guidance on adoption  
Hertfordshire County Council's Foster Carers’ handbook  
Therapeutic approaches to Social Work in Social Care Institute for Excellence  
ARi - Belonging and Permanence - Outcomes in long-term foster care and adoption  
ARi - An interview with Professor Nina Biehal re. Belonging and Permanence  
Ari - Child Development Chart