
February 2023 - New Threshold of Need Matrix

Thursday, February 16, 2023

As part of the London wide MASH review, the threshold document that forms part of the London Safeguarding Children Procedures has been revised following consultation. The new threshold document was agreed by the executive of the London Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) in December 2022 and has been reviewed by the Editorial Board of the London Safeguarding Children Procedures. The revised threshold document can be found hereĀ Indicators of Need Matrix.

The MASH review collated the threshold documents published by partnerships across London. Whilst some partnerships used the document published as part of the London Procedures, others had adapted that document or published a local version. For agencies working across borough / partnership boundaries, this could be confusing and an impediment to a timely response to the identification of need. The LSCP will therefore be asking that local partnerships:

  • Formally adopt the revised London Threshold document;
  • Update their web sites to include a link to the London Threshold Document (so that reference is always being made to the most recent, London wide version);
  • Send requests for additions or amendments to the threshold document for consideration as part of the six monthly updates to the procedures.

The revised threshold document is now being used for training purposes by some agencies. It is much shorter than the version previously used and, it is hoped, more accessible.