
September 2023 Updates

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Updates to the London Safeguarding Children Procedures - September 2023

Earlier this year, the Editorial Board published a new threshold document, previously agreed by the London Safeguarding Children Partnership. All London partnerships / agencies have been asked to adopt this document to ensure consistency across London. There will be multi-agency training provided during the autumn on the use of the threshold document. Any requests for amendments or additions to the threshold document will be considered by the Editorial Board in the same way as other changes to the procedures. 

The following additions / updates to the procedures have now been published:

New Chapter - PG 37 - Sexual Abuse

The new chapter introduces new online resources created by the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse. The resources are for all professionals working with children to help them understand the steps they can take to protect and support children and their families. This sets out how to respond to concerns at key points of safeguarding and criminal justice processes, focusing the response on meeting the needs of children and their families throughout. It is designed to empower professionals to understand the role that they, and their professional colleagues, can play to best protect and support children. Not just by telling professionals them what to do, but in helping them to understand how to do it too. It builds on legislation and statutory guidance, adding specific details and advice on child sexual abuse to existing local and national policies and procedures. And it provides clarity on professional responsibilities, clearly outlining the steps to take and the actions required at key stages in the safeguarding and protection process. Created for professionals working with children, each with their own safeguarding responsibilities, it’s particularly helpful for social workers, teachers, police officers, health professionals and those in the voluntary sector who work with children and families.

Across the procedures:

Links have been added to DfE guidance on parental responsibility - see:

CP1 - Recognising to Abuse and Neglect

The chapter is now entitled “recognising” rather than “responding” to abuse and neglect and the definitions have been updated. Please read the whole chapter.

CP2 - Referral and Assessment

Women in Prison - responsibility for pre-birth assessments lies with the “home” authority as does the responsibility for assessment of women applying for a place in a prison mother and baby unit. See paragraph 6.34 onwards.

CP3 – Child Protection Enquiries

Updated to be clear that the decision as to whether or not to convene an initial child protection conference is made by children’s social care following the completion of the S47 and not at the strategy meeting. See paragraph 4.21.

CP 9 - Information Sharing Guidance

Update to the information about the training resources - see introduction.

PA1 - Roles and Responsibilities

Updated to include references to Serious Violence Reduction Orders

PG4 - Bullying

The definition has been expanded definition at the start of the chapter and additional links in the further information section.

PG 11 - Domestic Abuse

The definition of domestic abuse has been updated

PG 12 - Extremist ideology

Additional links in the further information section.

Other links and terminology have been updated throughout the procedures to reflect changes in regulations and guidance - these changes are highlighted at the beginning of the chapter.