Title: |
When Inserted: |
1 Children and HIV |
2 Sexual, physical and emotional abuse by children and young People of other children and vulnerable adults |
3 Children and young people who abuse substances |
4 Children from abroad |
5 Disabled children |
6 Fabricated or induced illness |
7 Female genital mutilation |
8 Forced marriages |
9 Gang activity |
10 Honour base abuse |
11 Children and licensed premises |
12 Parents who misuse substances |
13 Parents with learning disabilities |
14 Parents with MH issues |
16 Therapy for child witnesses |
17 Missing from home or care and runaways |
18 Neglect |
19 Self harm and suicide |
20 Sexual exploitation |
21 Spiritual, cultural and religious beliefs |
22 Trafficking |
23 Transition from children to adult services |
24 Uncooperative families |
25 Sexually active young people |