
This is the new procedures manual for Staffordshire Children's Homes

Monday, July 18, 2022

This manual contains all of our key policies and procedures, which can be accessed via the 'Contents' button on the top of the screen.

There is a link on the toolbar to the Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) Safeguarding Children Procedures which contain the safeguarding children procedures for Staffordshire.

When you have read this guide, start by familiarising yourself with the Contents List and the Procedures listed under each section and look at the Local Resources Area. For the additional content.

You will see that our key policy statements are in Residential Child Care - Key Principles; the other sections primarily contain procedures and/or guidance.

All efforts are taken to ensure that the procedures are up to date; if you discover any errors including typing or spelling mistakes, please notify us via the 'register for updates' function on the top of the screen.

If you are unable to find a Procedure you require, consult your manager or use the search function on the top of the screen.