Minor Adaptations and Low Level Equipment
1. Using this Procedure
This procedure should be used by social care practitioners to order low level equipment or arrange a minor adaptation through TCES:
- Occupational Therapists;
- Occupational Therapy Assistants;
- Anyone trained as a Trusted Assessor (TA).
2. Minor Adaptations and Low Level Equipment
Minor adaptations are those that are easily installed and do not require structural changes to the home. They include things like grab rails, stair rails and bath rails.
Low level equipment is a small piece of non-specialist equipment that can prevent, reduce, delay or meet a need and includes equipment to help people move around, or get in and out of a chair, bed or bath.
Note: Equipment to move around does not include walking aids which must be assessed by a Physiotherapist.
If you are not clear about what equipment can or cannot be provided contact Tony.Greensmith@walthamforest.gov.uk for support.3. Eligible Settings
Minor adaptations and low level equipment can be provided in any setting, including in a care home, so long as the responsibility to provide the equipment does not fall with the service provider.
Click here to read more about providing equipment in a care home.4. Support to Use TCES
Any available local guidance for using TCES can be found in the Local Resources by clicking here.
Alternatively if you require support to use TCES you can contact Tony.Greensmith@walthamforest.gov.uk.
5. Placing an Order (Low Level Equipment)
Step 1
Identify equipment need during a proportionate assessment.
Step 2
Order the equipment using the TCES system and make a record on case notes in Mosaic.
TCES will only allow you to order equipment that is available and that you have the authority to order.
If further authorisation is required TCES will request this.
Step 3
Wherever possible, you should arrange for the item to be issued from an accredited pharmacy of the person’s choice. The person can then either collect the item themselves, or arrange for another person to do so on their behalf.
Note: Make sure you let the person know that they have 28 days to collect the item once it is available.
If the person is unable to collect the item (or arrange for it to be collected on their behalf) you should contact the chemist to establish if they are able to deliver the item. Only when the chemist is unable to do this should delivery then be arranged as per non-prescription items.
Non-prescription items
Monitor TCES for notification that the equipment is to be delivered to the person.
Step 4
Follow up with the person to review how the equipment is working and provide support with this as required.
If the person has a Care and Support Plan the equipment should be included on the plan when it has been provided to meet eligible needs.
6. Placing an Order (Minor Adaptation)
Step 1
Identify the need for a minor adaptation during a proportionate assessment.
Step 2
Order the minor adaptation using the TCES system and make a record on case notes in Mosaic.
Make sure to include any relevant information, such as where the minor adaptation is to be installed on the order.
Note: When including such information a drawing is required with relevant measurements etc.
Step 3
Monitor TCES for notification that the equipment is to be delivered and installed by Mediquip.
If necessary, make sure someone will be there to support the person during the installation.
Step 4
Follow up with the person to review how the equipment is working and provide support with this as required.
7. Maintenance and Repair
Mediquip provided
Any relevant routine maintenance is scheduled by the TCES system when the order is placed and carried out automatically by Mediquip when it is due.
If equipment provided by Mediquip requires repair the person should contact Mediquip directly on 020 8709 7050.
Prescribed equipment
Equipment provided through a prescription belongs to the person. If it breaks they should notify the Local Authority, who should determine whether there is still a need for it to be provided and, if so issue another prescription.
8. Removal if No Longer Needed
Prescribed equipment
Once a prescription is redeemed the equipment provided belongs to the person and does not need to be returned.
Mediquip provided
The person should contact Mediquip directly on 020 8709 7050 to establish whether the equipment is of a nature that needs to be returned for recycling.
If it needs to be returned Mediquip will arrange to collect the item. If not, the person should dispose of it themselves as per prescribed equipment.