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Receiving a Contact or Written Referral

1. Using this Procedure

This procedure should be used as guidance for good service when receiving a contact from a person with an existing Care and Support Plan, or from someone wishing to make a referral or access support for the first time.

If the contact or referral relates to a carer, see: Receiving a Contact or Written Referral (Carers)

Note: This procedure is used by all of the following teams and services:

  1. Early Help and Help Team;
  2. Community Activity Recovery Team (CART);
  3. Complex Need Team;
  4. Learning Disability Team;
  5. Disability Enablement Service: Transition to Adult Care and Support.

2. Receiving a Contact

General Practice Guidance

Every contact should be managed in a professional manner at all times.

Establish whether the contact is being made by the person about whom it relates. If not, confirm that consent has been given or that the person has the legal authority to act on the person's behalf.

Take a strengths based approach during any conversation or written communication.

Take opportunities to provide information and advice or to discuss prevention services.

Always allow sufficient time for the contact so that the person can say everything they want to say and ask any questions they may have.

Where a message has been left for you always call back as soon as possible and apologise for any delays or inconvenience caused.

Make sure you are satisfied that the person has understood what you have communicated to them. Consider an alternative method of contact if they appear to have difficulty in doing so (for example, email contact or face to face contact) or consider the need to assess mental capacity (to access the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Resource and Practice Toolkit click here).

Record all contacts in a proportionate way, capturing all relevant detail and key points and actions.

Follow up on any actions agreed in a timely way and keep the person updated on progress.

Receiving a Contact by telephone

Endeavour to answer telephone contacts in a timely way (wherever possible between 3-5 rings).

Be sure to give the person calling your name, your role and your contact number for future reference.

Receiving Email Communication

Acknowledge all email communication so the sender knows the email has been received, even if a response to any query cannot be given straight away.

Where a response is not given straight away, or where further action is needed confirm to the sender what will happen next and when the sender may expect to hear from the service again.

Make sure that the signature at the bottom of any email you send is correct and includes your name, your role and your contact number for the sender's future reference.

If an email communication is being forwarded to another person or service for action let the sender know and explain why.

Where the response is going to be lengthy or complex establish whether the person would prefer to be contacted in another way (for example by telephone or face to face).

Before ending an email communication chain, make sure that you are satisfied the sender is happy with the response and has no further questions.

Receiving Text Communication

Acknowledge all text communication so the sender knows the text has been received, even if a response to any query cannot be given straight away.

Make sure that your name, your role and your contact number is included in any text response made.

Where a response cannot be given straight away, or where further action is needed confirm to the sender what will happen next and when the sender may expect to hear from the service again.

Text communication, while convenient may not be the most appropriate way to communicate complex, lengthy or sensitive information. Unless the query is straightforward or the person specifically requests a text response try to establish whether there is an alternative method of contact that can be used (for example email, telephone contact or face to face contact).

Before ending a text communication chain, make sure that you are satisfied the sender is happy with the response and has no further questions.

Receiving Communication by Letter

Letters should be opened on the day that they are received and passed to the most appropriate person to respond.

Letters marked as 'urgent' should be treated as such until there is evidence that this is not the case.

Acknowledgement of the letter should be provided whenever requested, whenever the letter is formal (for example from a Solicitor or a Court) or whenever there is likely to be a delay in response to the letter from the service.

Where a response cannot be given in a timely way, or where further action is needed confirm to the sender (either through a letter or another available method of contact e.g. telephone) what will happen next and when the sender may expect to hear from the service again.

When responding in writing or by email make sure that your name, your role and your contact number is included in any response made.

Written responses should be made on Local Authority headed paper so that the sender has confidence in the validity of the response.

3. Receiving a Written Referral

Receiving a Referral

When a referral is received it should be checked to make sure that it contains all of the required information.

Recording a Referral

A record of the referral should be made soon as it is received, even if the outcome of the referral is not yet clear.

All recording should be in line with local recording requirements.

For further guidance see: Recording and Keeping Records

When referral information is missing

Where information is not comprehensive professional judgement should be used about the need to either:

  1. Return the referral to the person who made it with a request for the additional information required;
  2. Contact the person who made the referral to obtain the additional information required; or
  3. Process the referral and seek the additional information required at a later stage.

This decision should be made on a case by case basis and will depend on factors such as:

  1. The level of information missing;
  2. The risk posed to the person or their carer as a result of any delay in processing the referral;
  3. The urgency of intervention required; and
  4. The complexity of the apparent need.

4. Adding a new Personal Record

Where the person making a contact or referral (or the person about whom the contact or referral is about) is not already known to the Local Authority a new personal record will need to be created in order to:

  1. Record the contact;
  2. Record any information gathering that may take place; and
  3. Record the outcome of the contact.

5. Identifying Carers

Any team receiving a new referral from or about a person with care and support needs should try to establish if the person has an informal carer at the same time. This will help ensure that the requirements of the Care Act 2014 in relation to carers are met, including the provision of information and advice to the carer, the offer of a carers assessment and the requirement to involve the carer in decisions and interventions relating to the person they support.

If the person with care and support needs is already known to adult social care, and contact is being made to request a review or other intervention, the team receiving the contact should ask whether their known informal care arrangements have changed.

Any new carers identified through a contact or referral should be informed of their right to a carers assessment at the earliest opportunity. When deciding the outcome of this communication, you should refer to Deciding the Outcome of a Contact or Written Referral (Carers) as required.