Commissioning and Brokerage Procedures
1. Using this Procedure
This procedure should be used:
- By frontline practitioners working in social work teams and the Reablement service; when
- Any Care and Support Plan/Support Plan/Reablement Plan/Urgent support has been signed off; to
- Understand and use the range of local processes for arranging the required services and support; and
- Work effectively alongside Commissioning or the Brokerage team.
Occupational Therapists should refer to the 'Meeting Needs' area of their service homepage for bespoke information about arranging equipment and adaptations.
Although this procedure may be helpful to those people based within Commissioning or the Brokerage team, it does not provide specific guidance about arranging, monitoring or reviewing contracts, or any other associated actions that may be required. Anyone carrying out such actions should refer to available local processes.2. Development of this Procedure
Waltham Forest Council use a Dynamic Purchasing System for all domiciliary care, whether generic or specialist in nature.
All domiciliary care services must be arranged through the Brokerage team without exception.
If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.
All available processes for arranging domiciliary care can be found in Local Resources.
3. Residential and Nursing Care Placements
External in-borough placements
Residential and nursing care placements are commissioned on a spot contract basis.
All residential and nursing care placements must be arranged through the Brokerage team without exception.
If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.
All available processes for arranging residential and nursing care placements can be found in Local Resources.
Internal homes
There are 3 internal residential homes:
George Mason Lodge
20 Chelmsford Road
E11 1BS
Tel: 020 8539 0218
Alliston House
45 Church Hill Road
E17 9RX
Tel: 020 8520 4984
Mapleton Road
87 Mapleton Road
E4 6XJ
Tel: 020 8529 2266
All residential care placements in the borough’s internal homes should be arranged through Brokerage without exception.
All available processes for arranging a placement in an internal home can be found in Local Resources.
Out of borough placements
Please see Arranging Support and Services, Out of Area Services for guidance on arranging out of borough residential or nursing placements.4. Respite
Waltham Forest Council commissions all respite placements on a spot contract basis, whether generic or specialist in nature.
All respite should be arranged through the Brokerage team without exception.
If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.
All available processes for arranging respite care can be found in Local Resources.
Note: Before arranging respite make sure that the person has not exceeded the amount of respite set out in their Care and Support Plan.
5. Supported Living
In-borough placements
Waltham Forest Council has a framework of providers for all supported living placements.
All supported living placements should be arranged through Brokerage without exception.
If a person has specific or complex needs you must provide relevant information to Brokerage to assist them in identifying an appropriately skilled provider.
If a framework provider is unable to deliver a service Brokerage can identify a provider outside of the Framework and commission a spot contract.
All available processes for arranging supported living placements can be found in Local Resources.
Out of borough placements
Please see Arranging Support and Services, Out of Area Services for guidance on arranging out of borough supported living placements.6. Extra Care Sheltered Housing
The following are Extra Care Sheltered Housing schemes in Waltham Forest:
- Albany Court;
- Baytree House;
- Dames House;
- Gainsfield Court;
- Glebelands;
- Heavitree Court;
- Nicholson Court;
- Suffolk Court;
- Verdon Roe Court; and
- Windmill Court.
There is eligibility criteria that must be met for all schemes.
See: Local Resources to access the current criteria.
Where criteria is met funding should be agreed prior to arranging any service.
Extra Care Sheltered Housing should be arranged following the Guidelines from Brokerage. These are available from the Local Resources.
7. Shared Lives
All available processes for arranging a shared lives placement can be found in Local Resources.
8. Day Services
All available processes for arranging day services can be found in Local Resources.
9. Reablement
All available processes for arranging reablement can be found in the Local Resources area by clicking here.
10. Emergency Response Support
There are a range of emergency response support services for people who need:
- Food;
- Emergency heating;
- Clothing; and
- Urgent shopping for essentials.
Click here to access a list of service/support providers, their contact details and information about how to make a referral.
11. Carers First
Carers First provides information, advice, guidance, emotional support, training and activities, giving carers an opportunity to have a break from their caring role and help them get the support they need.
Carers can access support even if they have not yet had, or do not want a carer’s assessment.
To make a professional’s referral on behalf of a carer click here.
Alternatively you can signpost a carer to make a self referral by calling 0300 303 1555 or using the self referral form on the Carers First website.
12. Varying, Ending or Suspending Services
You must contact Brokerage whenever there is a need to vary, end or suspend a service.
This includes:
- Domiciliary care;
- Residential and nursing care;
- Supported living;
- Reablement when sourced by Brokerage;
- Services arranged by the Dementia Team;
- Direct Payments.
Brokerage will then liaise with the service provider to make the necessary changes.
All available processes for varying, ending or suspending services can be found in Local Resources.