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Banya Family PlacementIndependent Fostering Agency Procedures Manual


1. Values and Principles

1.1 Values and Principles  
1.2 Equality and Diversity  
1.3 Statement of Purpose (local information)  
1.4 Children's Guide (local information)  
1.5 Foster Carers Charter (local information)  

2. Leadership and Management

2.1 Leadership and Management Updated
2.2 Monitoring and Review  
2.3 Notifications of Significant Events  
2.4 Managing Allegations Against Staff and Foster Carers  
2.5 Complaints  
2.6 Whistleblowing or Raising Concerns at Work  
2.7 Staffing and Safe Recruitment of Staff  
2.8 Staff Qualifications, Training and Development  
2.9 Staff Supervision and Support  

3. Foster Carers

3.1 Fostering Panel  
3.2 Recruitment, Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers  
3.3 Persons Disqualified from Fostering  
3.4 Supervision and Support of Foster Carers  
3.5 Qualifications, Training and Development of Foster Carers  
3.6 Matching and Placements with Foster Carers  
3.7 Parent and Child Arrangements  
3.8 Exemptions and Extensions  
3.9 Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers  
3.10 Adoption by Foster Carers of a Foster Child Already Placed With Them  
3.11 Fostering for Adoption  

4. Children's Views, Wishes and Feelings and Overall Experiences

4.1 Consultation and Participation  
4.2 Advocacy and Independent Visitors  
4.3 Contact with Parents, Siblings and Others  



4.4 Health Care Assessments and Plans  
4.5 Medication and First Aid  
4.6 Alcohol, Drugs and Solvents Updated
4.7 Smoking Updated
4.8 Supporting Children and Young People with Disabilities  

Education, Leisure and Activities

4.9 Education  
4.10 Leisure Activities  
4.11 Social Visits and Overnight Stays  

5. Care and Placement Planning and Children's Progress

5.1 Care Planning  
5.2 Delegated Authority  
5.3 Providing Personalised Care  
5.4 Reviews and Meetings  
5.5 Preparing Young People for Adulthood and Leaving Care  
5.6 Staying Put  
5.7 Transitioning for Young People with Extra Needs and Mixed Placements  

6. Protection of Children


Positive Relationships

6.1 Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management  
6.2 Restrictive Physical Intervention and Restraint  
6.3 Safer Care Practice and Personal Care  
6.4 Offending and Anti-Social Behaviour – Guidance on When to Involve the Police  


6.5 Safeguarding Children and Young People and Referring Safeguarding Concerns  
6.6 Recognising Abuse and Neglect  
6.7 Missing Children  
6.8 Internet, Photographs and Mobile Phones Updated
6.9 Countering Bullying  
6.10 Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation  
6.11 Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines  
6.12 Radicalisation and Violent Extremism  
6.13 Self-harm and Suicidal Behaviour  
6.14 Female Genital Mutilation Updated

Health and Safety

6.15 Health and Safety in the Foster Home  
6.16 Transporting Children  
6.17 Assessment of Pets Updated
  See also: Risk Assessment and Planning  

7. Records and Information Sharing

7.1 Recording Policy and Guidelines  
7.2 Information Sharing and Confidentiality  
7.3 Access to Records  
7.4 Risk Assessment and Planning  
  See also: NICE Guideline: Looked After Children and Young People  
  and Promoting Wellbeing and Positive Identity for a Child or Young Person Who is Looked After: A Quick Guide for Social Workers and Social Care Practitioners (NICE)