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Channels & Choices Independent Fostering Agency Procedures Manual

Local Resources

This Local Resources section contains documents, forms and leaflets in use by the agency. The available forms are listed below. The documents can be accessed, printed and downloaded in an unaltered form They may not be used for any other reason, including the selling, licensing, transfer, copying or reproduction in whole or in part in any manner or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of the agency.


When including any new or amended documents, the date of inclusion or amendment in the 2nd column will say: 'When inserted'.


When you are on this page you can search for a document, do not use the Search button. This is for the procedures chapters only. Press and hold the 'Control' key, then press the 'F' key. This will bring up a long box on the top of your screen. Type in the word you want to search and press Enter. Click on the arrows in the box to find the relevant form.

CAPTION: Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
Title: When Inserted:
Statement of Purpose August 2024
CAPTION: Children's Guide
Children's Guide
Title: When Inserted:
To follow.N.A.
CAPTION: Foster Carer
Foster Carer
Title: When Inserted:
Appendix A Fostering Standards Transferred from CHARMS
Appendix B Useful Addresses and Contacts Transferred from CHARMS
Appendix C Glossary of Terms Transferred from CHARMS
Appendix E The Foster Care Allowance & Taxable Profit Reward Transferred from CHARMS
Appendix F Foster Carers & State Benefits Transferred from CHARMS
Fostering for Channels & Choices Transferred from CHARMS
Section 4 - The Law and Fostering Transferred from CHARMS
Section 5 - Health Transferred from CHARMS
Section 6 - Child Protection & Safeguarding Transferred from CHARMS
Section 7 Enjoy & Achieve Transferred from CHARMS
Section 8 Making a positive contribution Transferred from CHARMS
Section 9 Achieving Economic Well Being Transferred from CHARMS
Foster Carer Charter 2022 Added May 2023
Foster Carer Agreement 2023
Policy on Alcohol Consumption Sept 2023
Missing From Care Process 10 May 2024
Working with Children who Display Harmful Sexual Behaviour 17 June 2024
Foster Carer Finance 2024 July 2024
Fostering Allegations & Serious Concerns Flowchart Aug 2024
Policy for the Control of Prescription Medicines Aug 2024
Statement of Purpose August 2024
Positive Relationships & Behaviour Management 13 Sept 2024
CAPTION: Foster Carer Forms, Leaflets and Templates
Foster Carer Forms, Leaflets and Templates
Title: When Inserted:
Standard of Care Process June 2020
Foster Carer Career Structure 2020
Guidance on completing forms Oct 2020
General Expenses Form OCt 2020
Physical Intervention Template June 2023
Safe Care Plan Child June 2023
Individual Development Plan June 2023
Training Brochure 2023 June 2023
Foster Carer Annual Review Template June 2023
Short Stay Process Flow Carers June 2023
Short Stay Request Form June 2023
IRM Information Sheet June 2023
Disruption Process June 2023
Change of Approval Form June 2023
Foster Carer Progression Structure 2023 June 2023
Pet Assessment June 2023
Unannounced Visit Form June 2023
Holiday activity other risk assessment June 2023
Incident Report Form June 2023
Foster Carer Agreement 2023
Short Stay Policy updated April 2023
Body Map updated 3 Oct 2023
C&C Medical Self declaration updated 10 Oct 2023
Nominated Carer Template 3 Jan 2024
Day Care Form £12 per hour 1 May 2024
Title: When Inserted:
Lone Working Guidance Risk Assessment 8 Jan 2024
CAPTION: Staff Forms, Leaflets and Templates
Staff Forms, Leaflets and Templates
Title: When Inserted:
Change of Approval for Panel Sept 2020
Contact Recording Form September 2020
Foster Carer Supervision Agreement September 2020
Supervision Part A September 2020
Fostering Placement Plan September 2020
Initial Visit to Prospective Foster Carers Form September 2020
Nominated Respite Carer Assessment September 2020
Physical Intervention and positive handling form September 2020
Safeguarding risk assessments for holidays September 2020
Part B Supervision May 2023
Delegated Authority Form June 2023
Disruption Process June 2023
Holiday activity other risk assessment June 2023
Dog Assessment June 2023
Pet Assessment Form June 2023
Significant Event Form 18 Aug 2023
TAC Referral Form 18 Aug 2023
End of Placement Form 6 September 2023
Transfer Protocol Template 2023 Transfer Protocol Template
SSW Annual Review Form Oct 2023
Significant Event Process March 2024
Form F - reference template to current agency May 2024
Risk assessment May 2024
DBS Risk Assessment Addendum Form
Supervision Template 17 June 2024
DBS Update Service Front Sheet 10 July 2024
Stepping Stones Template Aug 2024
Fostering Matching Report 6 Aug 2024
Record of Supervision Part A & B 6 Aug 2024
CAPTION: General
Title: When Inserted:
To follow.N.A.
CAPTION: Contact Information
Contact Information
Title: When Inserted:
To follow.N.A.
CAPTION: Safeguarding Children Partnership Links
Safeguarding Children Partnership Links
Title: When Inserted:
Children who are at risk of self harm 17 Dec 2019
Children with disabilities 17 Dec 2019
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) 17 Dec 2019
Record of Incidences involving unauthorised substances 17 Dec 2019
Safeguarding children who may have been affected by gang activity 17 Dec 2019
Suspension procedure in areas of safeguarding 17 Dec 2019
Flowchart for Drugs Incident Management 2019 17 Dec 2019