Applying for a Disabled Facilities Grant (Occupational Therapy)
1. When to use this Procedure
This procedure should only be used by Occupational Therapy practitioners who are directly involved in Disabled Facility Grant applications. The same process should be followed regardless of the type of property the person lives in.
The Housing Authority will use the information provided to determine whether the adaptation can be provided under local provisions for council tenants. You should not give any assurances to the person about the outcome of this during the application.
It should only be used when it has been established that the person's assessed needs are likely to be eligible under HGCRA criteria.
If you have not yet established likely eligibility for a DFG click here. Establishing this will prevent an unnecessary application being made and prevent delays in meeting needs.
2. Supporting the Person to make an Application
Who can make an application
Applications for a DFG can be made by:
- A disabled person who owns their own home;
- A disabled person who is a tenant; or
- A landlord whose tenant is disabled and adaptations are required to meet the disabled tenant's needs.
The type of building that the disabled person resides in can be:
- A house or bungalow;
- A flat;
- A houseboat (qualifying criteria applies); or
- A park home (qualifying criteria applies).
If the person making the application needs support
People can have support to make an application for a Disabled Facilities Grant. This is normally provided by a Housing Information Advisor (HIA), although anyone who is able to support the person can do so.
The DFG is provided under the HGCRA and not the Care Act, and as such there is no duty to make an independent advocate available. However for the purpose of facilitating the application and delaying the duty to meet eligible needs an advocate should be considered whenever:
- The person lacks capacity to make an application; or
- The person will have substantial difficulty making the application; and
- There is no appropriate person to support them to make the application.
You must make sure that you have provided the person (or the person completing the application on their behalf) with any information they will need in order to complete the application, including any guidance about making the application and information about the person's assessed needs.
3. The Recommendation Report
When requested by the Housing Authority a recommendation report should be provided and submitted with the following information:
- Your role and the nature of your intervention with the person making the application;
- The needs that the person has, based upon the eligibility criteria set out in section 23 of the HGCRA;
- The evidence used to make a determination about the nature and level of need;
- Whether the adaptations proposed are necessary to meet the identified needs and your rationale for this (including risk, sustainability and appropriateness of current support being provided);
- Whether the adaptations proposed are appropriate to meet the identified needs and your rationale for this (including what alternative options have been explored, what may be available and why this is not appropriate).
- Any information available to you in regard of the building to be adapted that may assist the Housing Authority to make a determination about how 'reasonable and practicable' this is; and
- Any other information that you feel it would be beneficial to include for the purpose of supporting the application.
It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the format used by the Local Authority for completing and recording recommendation reports to support DFG applications.
4. Monitoring the Application
The statutory timeframe for making a determination following a DFG application is 6 months. It is the responsibility of the Housing Authority to consider the application in a timely way. However, you should take appropriate steps to ensure that you monitor progress of the application for the purpose of:
- Making sure that the needs you identified at assessment are met in a timely way; and
- Identifying and responding to any need to provide urgent or interim support.
Monitoring could include:
- Email contact with the named contact at the Housing Authority;
- Telephone contact with the person or carer.
Proportionate records should be made of all monitoring activity.
If you are concerned about the time it is taking to reach a determination you should discuss your concerns and agree any action with your line manager.
Urgent and Interim Support
If a DFG application outcome, and any subsequent provision of adaptation is not likely to take place for some time you must consider whether:
- There is appropriate support in place to meet the needs identified during assessment in the interim (either though a carer or an existing Care and Support Plan); and
- If not, the steps that need to be taken to ensure any urgent needs are met.
If there are unmet urgent needs you must take steps to ensure that these are met. Urgent needs can be met under the Care Act without a determination of eligibility having been made.
If a practitioner from a social work service is already involved with the person you should:
- Inform them that the DFG outcome is not yet known and that the person appears to have unmet urgent needs;
- Advise them of a possible timeframe for the DFG outcome; and
- Provide them with access to any information gathered through assessment so they can prioritise and consider the most appropriate course of action.
If the person is not known to a social work service you will need to agree with the person whether to make an urgent referral/request to a relevant social work service via Croydon Adult Support.