Safeguarding Adults
1. Safeguarding Adults under the Care Act
Use the links below to access sections of the Care Act 2014 resource for information about the legal requirements of all safeguarding under the Act.
2. Reporting Abuse and Neglect
Legal Requirements
Click here to access 'Identifying and Reporting Abuse and Neglect', which is part of the larger Care Act 2014 resource.
Reporting Abuse and Neglect
Urgent concerns that require immediate attention should be reported via telephone using 020 8726 6500. If reporting out of office hours ask for the Duty Social Worker.
Non-urgent concerns can be raised through the online Contact Referral Form or via email to
Click here to access the online Contact Referral Form.
Please note: If the online Contact Referral Form is completed outside of office hours it will be picked up the next working day.
If you are an adult or carer and you wish to access information or advice about adult safeguarding or the support available in the area you can visit the Croydon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Board website by clicking here.
If you are concerned that an adult is in imminent danger from abuse or neglect, or that a criminal act has taken place you should contact the police by dialling 999.
3. London Multi-Agency Safeguarding Procedures
The London multi-agency safeguarding procedures should be your primary source of support and practice guidance when working in the safeguarding adult's arena.
They set out specifically how the Local Authority works with other organisations in the area, such as the police and the ICB to fulfil the requirements of the Care Act, including how they:
- Prevent and protect adults at risk from abuse;
- Empower and support adults to make their own choices;
- Investigate actual (or suspected) abuse or neglect; and
- Support adults who are at risk of, or experiencing abuse or neglect.
The London Multi-Agency Policy and Procedures set out a four stage process for handling safeguarding enquiries. The stages are:
- Stage 1: Concerns;
- Stage 2: Enquiry;
- Stage 3: Safeguarding Plan and Review;
- Stage 4: Closing the Enquiry.
4. Local Processes, Forms and Practice Guidance
A range of local processes, forms and guidance to support effective implementation of the different stages in the London multi-agency procedures can be found in the Local Resources area of this procedures site.
You will also find practice guidance in regards to all of the following complex areas of safeguarding practice:
- Domestic violence/domestic abuse;
- Controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship;
- Forced marriage;
- Modern day slavery and human trafficking;
- Radicalisation;
- Self-neglect and hoarding.
All processes, forms and guidance should be used by the Safeguarding Team and all social care staff as necessary.
Click here to access the Local Resources area.
5. Safeguarding Responsibilities in Hospital
Where there are concerns or allegations of abuse about a person who is in hospital:
- If the concern had already been raised when the person was in the community and assigned to a team, that team should continue to take the lead responsibility and liaise with the Hospital Discharge Social Work Team as required.
- If the concern is raised (or allegation made) in Croydon Hospital about events that have taken place in Croydon Hospital, the Croydon Hospital Discharge Social Work Team should be allocated to lead any enquiry.
- If a Croydon resident is in an out of borough hospital and the concern is about that hospital any safeguarding enquiry should be managed by the Local Authority in which that hospital is geographically located (and vice versa for any people from other Local Authority areas staying in Croydon Hospital).
- If the concern is raised (or allegation made) in any hospital (in Croydon or otherwise) and they relate to events that have taken place (or may have taken place) in Croydon the appropriate community team should be allocated to lead any enquiry with support from the Hospital Discharge Social Work Team, who should normally conduct the initial fact finding exercise and establish the views and outcomes of the adult at risk on behaf of the allocated worker on the community team.
6. Warnings
Following a safeguarding concern being raised in connection with a person a warning should be placed on their LAS record. This should remain in place for 365 days.
Warnings should:
- Be factual and evidenced;
- Point to further information where available;
- Be reviewed periodically (see below);
- Be shared with relevant colleagues (such as district nurses, Careline staff, housing officers, police and others involved in the case who need to know).
7. Death of an Adult at Risk
If an adult at risk dies you should follow local guidance 'Death of an Adult at Risk' in the Local Resources area. Click here to access it.
8. The Safeguarding Adults Board and Reviews
In line with the Care Act 2014 Croydon has a Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB).
Click here to access The Care Act 2014 and find out more about:
- The aim of Safeguarding Adults Boards;
- Their role and statutory duties;
- When boards must carry out a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR).
Local guidance about SAB's and SAR's can be found in the Local Resources area of this procedures site by clicking here.