Commissioning and Brokerage Procedures

1. Using this Procedure

This procedure should be used:

  1. By frontline practitioners working in social work teams and the Reablement service; when
  2. Any Care and Support Plan/Support Plan/Reablement Plan/Urgent support has been signed off; to
  3. Understand and use the range of local processes for arranging the required services and support; and
  4. Work effectively alongside Commissioning or Brokerage teams.

Occupational Therapists should refer to the 'Meeting Needs' area of their service homepage for bespoke information about arranging equipment and adaptations.

Although this procedure may be helpful to those people based within Commissioning or Brokerage teams, it does not provide specific guidance about arranging, monitoring or reviewing contracts, or any other associated actions that may be required. Anyone carrying out such actions should refer to available local processes.

2. Domiciliary Care

Generic Domiciliary Care

Before arranging

Before arranging a general domiciliary service you should make sure that the following information is available on LIQUID LOGIC (LAS):

  1. Completed assessment/reassessment or review;
  2. Completed Care and Support Plan;
  3. RAS.

If any of the above information is missing Brokerage will not be able to arrange the service.

Urgent or interim services

If the service is being provided as urgent or interim support and the information above is not all available Brokerage should be advised of this and the funding agreement should be clearly evident on LIQUID LOGIC (LAS).

Arranging the Service

Please follow the following guidance:

  1. Assign to Brokerage work tray through LAS (including any additional information not in the assessment/review or Care and Support Plan);
  2. Brokerage will use all available information to identify a provider and arrange the service;
  3. Once the budget has been authorised by the relevant budget holder, the services will need to be activated by the worker who created the service provision on LAS.

Specialist Domiciliary Care

In some circumstances it may be appropriate to identify a specialist provider. Normally this is only justified if the person's needs are complex and cannot be met by general domiciliary services.

Before arranging

If you feel that a specialist provider is required you should discuss this with your line manager and only proceed if they are in agreement.

  1. Make contact with appropriate providers and establish availability;
  2. The provider should undertake their own assessment to determine that they are able to meet the person's needs;
  3. Establish costs and negotiate if possible;
  4. Obtain additional funding agreement if the cost exceeds the RAS.

Arranging the service

  1. Agree start date with the provider;
  2. Complete the Care and Support Plan and send to the plan authoriser work tray. The authoriser will be able to see the indicative budget and proposed service provision;
  3. Once the support plan is authorised, the budget authorisation will be triggered to the relevant budget tray. Once the budget has been authorised, the services will need to be activated by the worker who completed the service provision on LAS.

Note: This is a very important step as if it is missed, the workflow is not completed fully and the providers will not get paid as the service is not activated or will continue to be paid if the service is not deactivated. Residents' charges will also be affected. Service activation or deactivation is completed via the Service Provisioning Task. When the task is opened, you will see a list of services that need to be activated or deactivated.

Varying Domiciliary Care

Note: Where suspending or reducing the service will place the person or carer at risk you should not make any changes until risk management strategies have been agreed.

Suspending or Ending a Service

  1. Suspend the care package on LAS;
  2. If the date that services need to recommence is known also enter this;
  3. Workflow Brokerage to notify them of the above;
  4. Brokerage will liaise with the provider to suspend (and recommence) the service;
  5. Brokerage will notify the Customer Financial Affairs Team;
  6. Inform the person (or their representative) of the suspension (and recommencement) arrangements.

Please note: This is a very important step as if it is missed, the workflow is not completed fully and the providers will continue to be paid if the service is not deactivated.

Reducing a service

  1. Complete a 'Change to Brokered Care' case note in LAS;
  2. Update the last Client Reassessment Review and Plan Form (or complete a new form if no previous review record exists);
  3. Workflow Brokerage to notify them of the change and the date it is to take effect;
  4. Brokerage will liaise with the provider to reduce the service;
  5. Brokerage will notify the Customer Financial Affairs Team;
  6. Inform the person (or their representative) of the reduction arrangements;
  7. Workflow a 6 week review on LAS.

Increasing a service

  1. Obtain additional funding agreement if the cost exceeds the RAS;
  2. Complete a 'Change to Brokered Care' case note in LAS;
  3. Update the last Client Reassessment Review and Plan Form (or complete a new form if no previous review record exists);
  4. Workflow Brokerage to notify them of the change and the date it is to take effect;
  5. Brokerage will liaise with the provider to increase the service;
  6. Brokerage will notify the Customer Financial Affairs Team;
  7. Inform the person (or their representative) of the reduction arrangements;
  8. Workflow a 6 week review on LAS.
If the increase is only temporary and you know the date it is to end you should also notify Brokerage of this. If the date is not known follow the guidance above to reduce the service when it is no longer needed.

3. Residential and Nursing Placements

Generic placements

Before arranging

Before arranging a placement you should make sure that the following information is available on LAS:

  1. Completed assessment/reassessment or review;
  2. Completed Care and Support Plan;
  3. RAS.

If any of the above information is missing the Placements Team will not be able to arrange the service.

Urgent or interim services

If the service is being provided as urgent or interim support and the information above is not all available the Placement Team should be advised of this and the funding agreement should be clearly evident on LAS.

Arranging the placement

  1. Workflow the Placement Team;
  2. Placement Team will identify at least 2 options;
  3. Support the person requiring the placement to decide which they prefer;
  4. Take to panel for final agreement;
  5. Inform Placements Team to proceed;
  6. Placement Team will complete the Payment and Commitment Form, liaise with provider, put the placement onto the system, notify you of a start date and advise the Customer Financial Affairs Team.

Specialist placements

In some circumstances it may be appropriate to identify a specialist placement. Normally this is only justified if the person's needs are complex and cannot be met by a generic placement.

Before arranging

If you feel that a specialist placement is required you should discuss this with your line manager and only proceed if they are in agreement.

You should also consider whether the person may be eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, Funded Nursing Care or joint funding.

  1. Make contact with appropriate placement providers;
  2. The provider should undertake their own assessment to determine that they are able to meet the person's needs;
  3. Establish costs and obtain a breakdown;
  4. Negotiate if possible;
  5. Take to panel for final agreement.

Arranging the service

  1. Agree start date etc with placement provider;
  2. Complete the support plan and workflow to plan authoriser. The authoriser will be able to see the indicative budget and proposed service provision. Once the support plan is authorised, the budget authorisation will be triggered to the relevant budget tray. Once the budget has been authorised, the services will need to be activated by the worker who completed the service provision on LAS.

Note: If the provider is not already known to Brokerage a new provider form will need to be completed, without which the provider will not be paid.

4. Reablement

Pleae refer to The Life Team.

5. Telecare and Careline Plus

The procedures and processes for arranging Telecare and Careline Plus can be found in the Local Resources area by clicking here.

6. Supported Living

Before arranging

Before arranging supported living you should make sure that the following information is available on LAS:

  1. Completed assessment/reassessment or review;
  2. Completed Care and Support Plan;
  3. RAS.

If any of the above information is missing the Commissioning Team will not be able to arrange the service.

You should also consider whether the person may be eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, Funded Nursing Care or joint funding.

Urgent or interim services

If the service is being provided as urgent or interim support and the information above is not all available the Commissioning Team should be advised of this and the funding agreement should be clearly evident on LAS.

Arranging supported living

  1. Workflow the Commissioning Team;
  2. Commissioning Team will liaise with providers and negotiate costs;
  3. Commissioning Team will identify at least 2 options;
  4. Support the person requiring supported living to decide which they prefer;
  5. Take to panel for final agreement;
  6. Agree start date etc with supported living provider;
  7. Complete the Payment and Commitment Form;
  8. Submit the Payment and Commitment Form to line manager for authorisation;
  9. Line manager to send authorised form to Brokerage;
  10. Brokerage will put the service onto the system and advise the Customer Financial Affairs Team.

7. Shared Lives

Before arranging

Before arranging a shared lives placement you should make sure that the following information is completed on LAS:

  1. Completed assessment/reassessment or review;
  2. Completed additional information on assessment for shared lives;
  3. Completed Care and Support Plan;
  4. RAS.

You should also consider whether the person may be eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare, Funded Nursing Care or joint funding.

Arranging supported living

Make a referral to the Shared Lives Team

Please contact Shared Lives duty in the first instance for enquiries and referrals so they can have an initial screening conversation to establish basic details and the most appropriate service model prior to making a full referral.

Shared Lives operates a duty system daily where a team member is available from 10.00-16.00 Monday to Friday.

Please telephone: 020 8726 6000 x 63516 Monday to Friday
E-mail address:

  1. Provide a copy of the assessment to the Shared Lives Team;
  2. Shared Lives Team will identify options;
  3. Support the person to decide which they prefer;
  4. Take to panel for final agreement;
  5. Agree start date etc with shared lives provider;
  6. Shared Lives will complete the service provision on LAS.

The Referral Form and additional information regarding Shared Lives can be found in the 'Referral Information' section of the Local Resources area. Click here to access it.

8. Respite Care

In all cases

Before arranging respite you should make sure that respite has been agreed as part of the person's Care and Support Plan.

Urgent or interim services

If respite is being provided as urgent or interim support and the information above is not all available the funding agreement should be clearly evident on LIQUID LOGIC (LAS).

Generic respite

  1. Update the Care and Support Plan and the Carer's Support Plan to show what respite is being taken and what respite budget remains;
  2. Complete the Care and Support Plan and send to plan authoriser work tray. The authoriser will be able to see the indicative budget and proposed service provision. Once the support plan is authorised, the budget authorisation will be triggered to the relevant budget tray. Once the budget has been authorised, the services will need to be activated by the worker who completed the service provision on LAS;
  3. Workflow the Placement Team;
  4. Placement Team will complete the Payment and Commitment Form, liaise with provider, arrange the respite, confirm and advise the Customer Financial Affairs Team;
  5. If respite was urgent or unscheduled arrange a reassessment/review as necessary to explore longer term solutions.

Specialist respite

  1. Make contact with appropriate respite providers;
  2. Establish costs and obtain a breakdown;
  3. Take to panel for agreement if not within agreed personal budget;
  4. Agree dates with provider;
  5. Complete the Payment and Commitment Form;
  6. Submit the Payment and Commitment Form to line manager for authorisation;
  7. Line manager to send authorised form to Brokerage;
  8. Brokerage will put the service onto the system and advise the Customer Financial Affairs Team;
  9. If respite was urgent or unscheduled arrange a reassessment/review as necessary to explore longer term solutions.

Note: If the provider is not already known to Brokerage the Payment and Commitment Form must include additional information, without which the provider will not be paid.

9. Intermediate Care / Reablement Brokerage

All intermediate care is arranged through the Reablement and Rehabilitation service in the LIFE Team as part of the D2A pathway.

Reablement Brokerage

Before a Discharge to Assess, reablement package of care can be arranging you should make sure that the following information is available on LIQUID LOGIC (LAS):

  1. Discharge to assess referral Form A;
  2. STMAX created with provisions;
  3. STMAX workflowed to brokerage.

If any of the above information is missing or the correct process is not followed Brokerage will not be able to arrange the service.

10. Carers Services

Available carer's services are:

  1. A Direct Payment into an account of the carer's choosing;
  2. Support from the Croydon Carers Centre;
  3. Support from the Carer's Support Centre.

Direct Payment

Click here to access the Direct Payment procedure, which sets out the process of arranging a Direct Payment.

Croydon Carers Centre

There is no referral process to access support from the Croydon Carers Centre. Carers are able to call them on 0208 649 9339 or drop in.

Carer's Support Centre

Practitioners wishing to make a referral should download the 'Professionals Referral Form' and then email it to

Click here to access the referral form.

Alternatively carers can telephone the Centre directly on 020 8649 9339.

11. Just Live Well

Just Live Well Service

Just Live Well is a 12 month, face to face service delivered by qualified advisors, which works with Croydon residents who might find it difficult to make changes in their life without additional support.

It provides support that can help people to:

  1. Quit smoking;
  2. Lose weight;
  3. Eat more healthily;
  4. Become more physically active;
  5. Cut down on alcohol; or
  6. Improve mental wellbeing.

Anyone wishing to access Just Live Well needs to take the online Health MOT. This can be accessed at

Drop-In Health Hubs

For anyone not eligible for the Just Live Well 12 month service there are regular drop-in health hubs with Live Well Advisors where people can access brief advice about living a healthier lifestyle.

Drop-in's are held across Croydon. For the latest venues, dates and times;



Call: 020 8604 7719

12. Other Community Based Services

Meals on Wheels

To arrange Meals on Wheels services you should workflow Brokerage through LIQUID LOGIC (LAS).

Staying Put

To arrange a Blitz clean or key safe from Staying Put you should provide details via email to

Age UK short term support

For services commissioned through Age UK (short term shopping and domestic task support) you should email The referral will then be passed to Age UK.

Red Cross

For befriending, clothing and other Red Cross services email


The Travel Assistance Policy and Process explains:

  1. All of the travel support options that should be explored;
  2. What support may be available from the Local Authority; and
  3. Whether or not a referral needs to be made for travel training, or to Croydon Transport Services.

Housing/Welfare Rights Support for Tenants

If a person needs support with electric or gas top ups/food vouchers/discretionary help for rent, deposits etc. please e-mail the discretionary housing payments team:

If it is welfare benefits advice - there is a welfare rights service for council tenants living in secure tenancy property only: please e-mail

Change Grow Live (CGL)

Change Grow Live (CGL) provides support to people living in Croydon who have a drugs or alcohol issue. It can also provide support to carers of those people.

Please see website to access a referral form.

If a person or carer would prefer to self-refer they can do so by sending an email to the above address or contact a central contact centre on 0300 123 9288.

13. Ending, Suspending or Varying Services

Refer to available local processes when ending, suspending or varying services.