The Protection of Children Standard
No member of staff should work in a one to one situation with a child until they have:
No member of staff will be asked or expected to work with a child in a one to one situation, unless such a method of working has been confirmed as appropriate and manageable as a result of a risk assessment carried out in relation to the child. The assessment of the risk presented to lone workers must also be subject of regular reviews.
Controlling the risks associated with lone working will also include the relevant training, information, instruction, supervision and possible protective equipment etc. The risk assessment and Safe Care Plan will have identified the safe working measures, controls, training and supervision requirements necessary to ensure the safety of staff and children in one to one situations.
All staff working with the child share responsibility for familiarising themselves with the contents of the risk assessment, noting any conditions attached, and any other relevant information contained on the child's file.
The manager must ensure that arrangements are in place to manage any risks presented to staff.
Factors to consider:
Where the risk assessment and the Safe Care Plan indicates that a member of staff is likely to be at risk in a given situation, the manager will ensure that a contingency plan is in place should the situation occur, for example by the provision of additional support staff.
If the member of staff has any concerns about their own safety, or the safety of the child or others, they must draw this to the immediate attention of the manager who will consider the need for an urgent review of the risk assessment. Any such concerns will be communicated as necessary to all members of staff working with the child. For example during contact with parents/adults, staff may feel threatened by the parent's/adult’s behaviour.
If the manager has any reason to consider, having regard to any incidents, reports, or events that a child presents a risk to staff, or that an individual member of staff is particularly at risk from a child or may be vulnerable when working in a one to one situation, the manager must take immediate steps to review the deployment of staff. The manager will consider if further training is needed.
See Staff Supervision and Appraisal Procedure.
At each supervision meeting, there should be an agenda item covering any issues related to lone working. Any concerns, training needs or requests for additional support should be shared and discussed.
The manager must monitor the risk assessment through the regular reading of the child's file, regular supervision with members of staff engaged in lone working, discussion at staff meetings, regular consultation with the young person via Key Carer meetings (see Key Carer Guidance) and Placement Planning Meetings.
As indicated above in (Section 2, Risk Assessment) where the manager has any concerns that a child presents a risk to lone workers, either in general or to an individual member of staff, the manager must take immediate steps to review the risk assessment and if necessary review the composition or deployment of the staff team, and/or the training needs of the individual member of staff.
Any member of staff who has any concerns must report them to the manager so that he or she can take any necessary action.
Please read in conjunction with:
Staff should view spending time alone with children as an opportunity to develop positive relationships with the young people in our care.
Staff are asked to pay particular attention to the following areas of risk:
Where only one member of staff is on duty at any time, a risk assessment should be carried out and recorded in writing, identifying any likely risks to children, staff and members of the public, and this must have demonstrated that there is no acceptable level of risk from such an arrangement.
Children should always have a member of staff responsible for them, and know who that member of staff is and how to contact them. There is always at least one member of staff responsible for each identifiable group of children, within or outside the home, with the means to call for immediate back up from at least one other member of staff or the On Call / Duty Manager Service if necessary.