Contents List

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This contents list is sub divided into the following sections, each Section contains relevant Chapters/Procedures: (Click on the title to jump to the Section you require):

  1. Quality and Purpose of Care
  2. Children’s Views, Wishes and Feelings
  3. Education
  4. Enjoyment and Achievement
  5. Promoting Health and Wellbeing
  6. Positive Relationships
  7. Protection of Children
  8. Leadership and Management
  9. Care Planning

1. Quality and Purpose of Care

1.1 Residential Child Care - Our Ethos and Key Principles  
1.2 Statement of Purpose - Understand and Apply to the Home  
1.3 A Guide for Children and Young People - Living in a Children's Home  
1.4 Providing Personalised Care  
1.5 Equality and Diversity  
1.6 Positive Identity when Caring for Children and Young People - Ethnicity, Gender and Sexuality  
1.7 Information Sharing  
1.8 Case Recording Policy and Staff Guidance  
1.9 Recording and Reporting of Accidents  
1.10 Consents and Delegated Authority  
  See also NICE Guideline: Looked After Children and Young People  

2. Children’s Views, Wishes and Feelings

2.1 Children’s Consultation and Participation
(Derbyshire Children's Services Online Procedures)
2.2 Contact with Parents and Siblings  
2.3 Social Visits (Including Overnight Stays)  
2.4 Safe Use of the Internet, Social Media and Photographs Updated
2.5 Social Worker Visits  
2.6 Advocacy, Independent Visitors and Independent Reviewing Officers  
2.7 Supporting Children and Young People with Disabilities  
2.8 Bedrooms  
2.9 Access to Records  

3. Education

3.1 Education  

4. Enjoyment and Achievement

4.1 Holidays and School Trips  
4.2 Transporting Children  
4.3 Leisure and Activities  
4.4 Children in Care - Pocket Money and Savings
(Derbyshire Children's Services Online Procedures)

5. Promoting Health and Wellbeing

5.1 Health Care Assessments and Plans  
5.2 Health and Wellbeing, Health Notifications and Access to Services  
5.3 Sexual Health and Relationships  
5.4 Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs)  
5.5 Female Genital Mutilation Updated
5.6 Provision and Preparation of Meals  
5.7 Drugs and Substance Misuse Updated
5.8 Smoking and Alcohol Updated
5.9 First Aid, Household Remedies and Medication  
5.10 Health and Safety  
5.11 Risk Assessment and Planning  
  See also: Promoting Wellbeing and Positive Identity for a Child or Young Person Who is Looked After: A Quick Guide for Social Workers and Social Care Practitioners (NICE)  

6. Positive Relationships

6.1 Social Pedagogy Approach - to follow  
6.2 Key Carer Guidance  
6.3 Use of Restraint and Physical Intervention  
6.4 Searching Children/Bedrooms  
6.5 Bullying  
6.6 Positive Relationships and Behaviour Management  
6.7 Offending and Anti-Social Behaviour - Guidance on when to Involve the Police  
6.8 Additional Measures  
6.9 Permissible and Restricted Additional Measures and Rewards / Incentives  

7. Protection of Children

7.1 Relationships and Physical Contact with Children  
7.2 Safe Working Practice Guidance: Safe Touch / Safe Care  
7.3 Intimate/Personal Care Good Practice Guidance  
7.4 Recognising Abuse and Neglect  
7.5 Safeguarding Children and Young People and Referring Safeguarding Concerns  
7.6 Derby and Derbyshire Runaway and Missing from Home and Care (RMFHC) Protocol
(Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
7.7 Missing Children  
7.8 Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines  
  See also Children at Risk of Exploitation (CRE)
(Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
7.9 Safeguarding Children and Young People against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism
(Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)
7.10 Digital Photography  
7.11 Tattooing and Body Piercing Policy  
7.12 Allegations Against Staff and Volunteers  
7.13 Whistleblowing
7.14 Complaints  
7.15 Role of Appropriate Adults  
7.16 Self Harm  
7.17 Visitors to the Home  
7.18 Surveillance and Monitoring  

8. Leadership and Management

8.1 Leadership and Management Updated
8.2 Monitoring Quality (Regulation 44 and 45)  
8.3 Staffing and Safe Recruitment Updated
8.4 Notification of Serious Events  
8.5 Organisational Structure and Manager Contacts  
8.6 Staff Qualifications and Employment Checks  
8.7 Staff Supervision and Appraisal  
8.8 Staff Induction - to follow  
8.9 Rostering and Staff Handover, including Daily Checks  
8.10 Waking Nights, Sleeping in, Night Security and Bedtimes  
8.11 Shift Co-ordinator/Leader Policy  
8.12 Daily Routine and House Rules  
8.13 Lone Working  
8.14 Gift Giving and Receiving  
8.15 No Smoking Policy  
8.16 Daily Routine and House Rules  

9. Care Planning

9.1 Referrals, Placements and Admissions  
9.2 Care and Placement Planning  
9.3 Emergency Placement and Emergency Reviews  
9.4 Placement Planning Meetings  
9.5 Short Breaks
(Derbyshire Children's Services Online Procedures)
9.6 Delegation of Authority to Foster Carers and Residential Workers
(Derbyshire Children's Services Online Procedures)
9.7 Looked After Reviews and Disruption Meetings  
9.8 Preparation for Leaving Care - Leaving the Home Updated
9.9 Moving to Another Placement  
9.10 Local Contacts
(Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures)