Child Protection Conferences
1. Initial Child Protection Conference
PREAMBLE - The island uses the principles of the Signs of Safety (SOS) approach to enable all participants how best to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child. The SOS model utilizes solution focused and focused problem resolution approaches. The family and professionals alike are expected to be fully engaged in the process. The model is based on appreciative enquiry; asking the right questions, using the Dynamic Risk Assessment tool which focusses on risks, protective factors and the impact of these upon children and young people. The key to the approach is to be inclusive and not directive, as such it requires significant preparation to enable family and professionals alike to experience this co-operative way of working.
2. Child Protection Conference Arrangements when a Child who is Subject to a Child Protection Plan in another Jurisdiction becomes Resident on the Isle of Man or Transfers from the island to another Jurisdiction
2.1 | A Transfer in conference must be held when a Child who is subject to a Child Protection Plan in another jurisdiction becomes resident on the Isle of Man. |
2.2 | As soon as the Children and Families Service receive notification from a Local Authority in the United Kingdom or Ireland that a child/ren is moving or has moved to the Isle of Man and is subject to a Child Protection Plan in their area a social worker from the Initial Response Team will be appointed who should then inform the Senior Independent Reviewing Officer. Arrangements should then be made to convene a transfer in Child Protection Conference as soon as possible. |
2.3 | The timing of the Transfer in Conference must be such that the Local Authority currently responsible for the Child Protection Plan, the child's parents and the child if of an age and understanding are able to attend. |
2.4 | The Local Authority currently responsible for the Child Protection Plan should provide their most recent assessment, the Child Protection Plan and a report summarising the current situation in advance of the Transfer in Child Protection Conference on the Isle of Man. |
2.5 | When a child/ren are subject to a Child Protection Risk Action Plan on the island and the family are relocating to the United Kingdom or Ireland the receiving area should be contacted without delay. All relevant information and appropriate documentation should be supplied to the specific Local Authority. |
2.6 | Arrangements will need to be made for the allocated social worker from the island to attend the Transfer in Conference in that area. This should take place within 15 working days. |
3. The Review Challenge Child Protection Conference
4. The Conference Process
4.1 |
Attendance |
4.1.1 | Professionals attending conferences should be there because they have:
4.1.2 | The social work manager should consider whether to seek advice from, or have present, a medical professional who can present the medical information in a manner which can be understood by the conference attendees and enable such information to be evaluated from a sound knowledge base. | |
4.1.3 | There should be sufficient information and expertise available – through personal representation and written reports - to enable the conference to make informed decisions and plans. However, a conference that is larger than it needs to be can inhibit discussion and intimidate the child and family members. | |
4.1.4 | Those who have a relevant contribution to make to a conference may include:
4.2 |
Involving the Child and Family Members |
4.2.1 | In deciding whether to give a child the opportunity to attend the conference the primary questions to be addressed are:
4.2.2 | Normally it should be assumed that a child of eight or over should be eligible to attend unless there is a reason not to do so. | |
4.2.3 | Before a conference is held, the purpose of the conference, who will attend and the way it will operate should be explained to the child (who is of sufficient age and understanding) by the social worker. Parental consent is required before the Children's Champion is able to contact and speak to the child. The Children's Rights Champion (CRC) should enable the child to understand the process of the conference and offer support throughout the meeting. | |
4.2.4 | If the child states that they do not wish to attend the conference this must be respected. Similarly, if they wish to attend, this should be acceded to unless it can clearly be shown that this is contrary to their best interests. | |
4.2.5 | Children should be advised that they may also bring an additional supporter as well as the CRC if they wish to do so. | |
4.2.6 | When the child does not attend every effort should be made to ensure the child's views are conveyed to conference members. This may be via:
4.2.7 | Once a decision has been made to proceed with conference the social worker will inform the parents. | |
4.2.8 | The purpose of the conference and who will attend should be explained to the parents or carers. They should be given a leaflet (see the Isle of Man SB website) explaining the Child Protection Conference and informed that they may choose to bring a friend or supporter to help them fully participate in the conference and express their view. This may be a legal advocate acting in the role of a supporter. | |
4.2.9 | Where the child or the parents/carers are bringing a friend or supporter it should be explained to them that the role of a friend or supporter is not to represent the parent/child or to speak on their behalf, but to provide emotional support and assist them in understanding the information presented to the conference and in expressing their view. In exceptional circumstances a conference chair may prevent a friend or supporter from attending a conference (e.g. where their presence is disruptive or where the person is deemed to a risk to children). | |
4.2.10 | It is important that all professionals engage with the family in a way that is consistent with the Signs of Safety model to ensure that the family are aware of the key aspects of the approach prior to the conference. Some parents may wish to prepare a written report, and assistance with this should be given to the parent/carer. | |
4.2.11 | The Conference Chairperson and other professionals will need to be sensitive to the abilities and anxieties of the child/ren, parents/carers. Their involvement is paramount and therefore to adhere to the Signs of Safety model the agenda of the conference may need to be adapted accordingly on the day of the conference to meet their requirements and to ensure they feel fully included at all times. | |
4.2.12 | Important consideration should be given to:
4.2.13 | The child's social worker should brief the conference chair if there are any reasons why it may not be possible to involve all family members at all times in the conference; for example, if there is a high level of conflict between family members or adults, and any children who do not wish to speak in front of one another. | |
4.2.14 | There is an expectation that all relevant information will be shared in line with the and Information Sharing and Confidentiality Guidance (see the Isle of Man SB website). If a professional is concerned about sharing a specific piece of information they should discuss this with the conference chair before the conference and reach a decision about how the information can be presented. In no circumstances should information be withheld. | |
4.2.15 | Parents/carers should only be excluded partially or completely from the conference if one of the criteria (see Paragraph 4.2.17 below) applies. The decision to exclude rests with the chair of the conference. Reasons for exclusion should be conveyed to the parents, both orally and in writing. Reasons for exclusion should also be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. | |
4.2.16 | If parents are excluded or unable to attend, they should be enabled to communicate their views to the conference by another means; for example, via a written report. The chair, in consultation with conference members, will agree what information from the minutes of the meeting will be received by the excluded person. | |
4.2.17 | Criteria for excluding parents/carers from a Child Protection Conference:
4.3 |
Quorate Conferences |
4.3.1 | The primary principle for determining quoracy is that there should be sufficient agencies present to enable safe decisions to be made in the individual circumstances. | |
4.3.2 | The minimum representation for quoracy is the Children and Families Division and at least two other agencies which have had direct contact with the child and family. | |
4.3.3 | Where a conference is inquorate it should not normally proceed and in such a circumstance the chair must ensure that either:
4.3.4 | In exceptional circumstances the chair may decide to proceed with the conference despite lack of agency representation. This may occur where:
5. Information for the Conference
5.1 | The Children and Families Service have lead responsibility for the Narrates S46 enquiry. The allocated social worker who has undertaken the S46 Narrates will be required to submit the full Narrates record to conference. This report becomes the Social Workers initial conference report and should be submitted alongside all other professional reports. |
5.2 | At the Initial Conference, the Children and Families Service should provide a report relating to each child. This should be consistent with the information set out in the Initial Child Protection Conference Report. |
5.3 | The social work report for conference not only presents information relating to the risk, protective factors and impact it should also include the following information:
5.4 | Preparing for the conference is crucial, including thinking in advance what needs to happen and when. |
5.5 | The intention is that participants do not read out their reports verbatim. The SOS model is specifically designed with the emphasis being on timely preparation and for all to contribute their evaluation of the risk, protective factor and impact. These should be stated clearly, e.g. I regard the risks to the child are x, y, z, the protective factors are 1, 2 and 3. I believe the impact of this on your child is………. |
5.6 | For all other professionals both initial and review conference reports must be provided using the Safeguarding Board Professional Template and be made available to the Safeguarding and Quality Assurance unit administration team at least 2 working days in advance of conference to enable distribution and also a full discussion and sharing with parent/carer. In addition to the above (5.5) The report should also incorporate the following information:
5.7 | All information provided to the conference, whether written or verbal, should take care to distinguish between fact, observation, allegation and opinion. |
5.8 | The information provided to conference will contribute to all professionals being able to identify a Risk Statement that clearly outlines what needs to change for the Child Protection risk action plan to be no longer necessary. |
5.9 | For the Review Challenge Conference, the Core Group has a collective responsibility to produce reports which together provide an overview of the work undertaken by family members and professionals and evaluate progress against the outcomes specified in the detailed Child Protection Risk Action Plan. |
5.10 | In addition to the reports above, the outcome of the fully completed Narrates Assessment, along with any other specialist assessments will also be presented to the Review Challenge Conference. |
5.11 | All written reports for the Conference must be submitted to the Conference Chair two full working days before the Conference. |
5.12 | The Quality Assurance and Safeguarding Unit administrator will distribute all of the reports to professionals in advance of the conference. It is expected that the content of all reports to Conference will have been explained to family members (including to children of an appropriate age) in advance of the Conference. |
6. Actions and Decisions for the Conference
6.1 | It is the role of the conference to:
6.2 | It is the role of the conference chair to determine which of the categories of abuse or neglect the child has suffered. The category used (that is Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse or Neglect) will indicate to those consulting Children's Services' record the primary presenting concerns at the time the child became the subject of a Child Protection Plan. Use of multiple categories should be minimised in order to maintain focus on the most pressing issues. |
7. Decision Making at the Initial Conference
7.1 | The test as whether the child is at continuing risk of Significant Harm should be that either:
7.2 | Where the conference is equally divided for the need for a Child Protection Plan, the chair will make the final decision. See Section 11, Complaints about a Child Protection Conference which provides specific procedures to be followed where there are formal complaints regarding the functioning of a Child Protection Conference. |
7.3 | The conference decision should result from the chair ensuring that:
8. Child Subject of a Child Protection Plan
9. Recording
10. Action following the Child Protection Conference
10.1 | The allocated Social Worker is responsible for:
11. Complaints about a Child Protection Conference
11.1 | Parents and care givers are entitled to make representations and appeal in respect of one or more of the following aspects of the functioning of Child Protection Conferences:
11.2 | There is a difference between making a complaint and actually appealing the decision made at Conference. An appeal is regarding the decision made at conference (11.1) as oppose to a complaint about the child protection work carried out by individual agencies. Complaints about individual agencies, their performance and provision (or non-provision) of services should be responded to in accordance with the relevant agency's complaints process. |
11.3 | Complaints about aspects of the functioning of conferences described in Paragraph 7.2 above should be addressed in the first instance by the conference chair. If it is not possible to resolve the complaint informally and it is procedurally clear that an appeal should be progressed; The Senior Independent Reviewing Officer should convene an inter-agency panel made up of senior representatives from the Safeguarding Board within 15 working days of the conference. The panel should consider whether the relevant inter-agency protocols and procedures have been observed correctly, and whether the decision that is being complained about follows reasonably from this. |
11.4 | If the panel determines that the appeal is upheld, the child protection conference should be reconvened without delay. Professionals who were present during the original conference will be asked to attend the reconvened conference. The information from the appeal panel will be heard in respect of why the outcome of the original conference was unsound. Professionals will then be asked for their decision on the basis of the new information, and that heard at the original conference. The conference will be chaired by the original independent chair, unless the appeal panel has recommended this is not appropriate due to their involvement in the outcome of the original conference being unsound. |
11.5 | Should the Appeal Panel determine that the decision making was sound and in line with policies and procedures, taking into account all relevant information, and that the threshold criteria was appropriately applied then the parent/carer will be advised of this. The plan (as agreed at the original conference) and status will therefore stand and proceed in line with procedures. |
11.6 | Professionals contributing to the child protection process do not have a formal means of complaint against it as do family members. However, professionals who dissent from the consensus view of the Child Protection Conference will have their dissent recorded and in the event that professional views are equally split between the need for a Child Protection Risk Action Plan or not the conference chair will decide. |
11.7 | More generally, a professional from any agency may formally express their concern to the Children and Families Service about the management of a particular child's circumstances. In this instance the file will be read and reviewed by a Group Manager, the professional raising the concerns will be met with and spoken to and the outcome will be recorded on the case file and any actions implemented. |
11.8 | If a professional remains concerned and in situations where a resolution cannot be sought, the Escalation of Concerns Procedure should be used. |
12. Chairing the Conference
12.1 | The conference chair should be:
12.2 | Prior to the meeting the conference chair person should:
12.3 | During the meeting the conference chair should:
12.4 | Following the meeting the conference chair should:
12.5 | For more information about Core Groups, see Developing Implementing the Child Protection Plan, The Core Group - to follow. |