Welcome to the Jersey Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Manual
Adult safeguarding is everyone's business and local partnership working is essential to ensure there is consistency across Jersey in how adults at risk are safeguarded from abuse or neglect.
In Jersey we embrace and promote a culture of cooperation between all our respected partners. Our collective belief in a culture of transparency, cooperation and trust is the cornerstone of our success in safeguarding our community. We have updated and modernised our multiagency safeguarding policy and procedures – recognising that safeguarding is never static. Underpinning these updates are the views and valued feedback from our citizens & partners.
Whilst we do not have specific legislation for adult safeguarding in Jersey, we have drawn on research, and follow best practice as described in the UK Care Act 2014. Our new policy and procedures are based on the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal – which we reference throughout.
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