Requesting a Financial Assessment (Adult Procedures (Life Planning))
Requesting a financial assessment
If the following criteria apply and you have not already done so, a financial assessment should be requested;
- The person has needs that are eligible under the Care Act;
- The person wishes for the Local Authority to meet some or all of their eligible needs;
- The person is ordinarily resident in the Local Authority area (or present in the area with no settled residence);
- The person will be receiving a Local Authority service that is chargeable under the Care Act.
Click here to access the Financial Assessment Form, which sets out the process for requesting a financial assessment.
If you require further information click here to access the full financial assessment procedures.
Recording the outcome of the financial assessment
Following a financial assessment the contribution that the person has been assessed to make must be clearly recorded;
- On the person's Care and Support Plan (or the carer's Support Plan);
- On internal financial contribution recording systems.
The start date for any financial contributions should correspond with the start date for the associated Care and Support services unless a decision has been made otherwise through the financial assessment process. If the financial assessment has been carried out prior to a young adult becoming 18 any contribution is not payable until after they are 18.