Welcome to the Barking and Dagenham Adult Procedures
Susanne Knoerr Operational Director
Welcome to Barking and Dagenham Adult Services Procedures Online. This is our web portal where you can access all relevant policies and procedures you may need as a practitioner, Occupational Therapist or Social Worker. We suggest you enter the site through Team Areas to provide you with the relevant policies and procedures. If you know you need the Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures, you can access that straight away without navigating through to a team area. However, if you need relevant policies and procedures, you may need this by working with a specific service or team area on this website.
In Adult Social Care there are three service areas: namely the Integrated Care Service, Mental Health Social Service and Disabilities Services. Then there are a range of teams that support delivery to the adults and their carers in Barking and Dagenham, through the service areas.
The team areas are set out as follows:
- Community Solutions, Adult Intake Team;
- Community Hospital and Assessment Teams;
- Locality Teams;
- Adult Mental Health Social Care Teams;
- Enabling Independence Teams;
- Life Planning Teams;
- Carers Procedures.
If you have feedback about how TRI.X is working for you, or you need something that is not easily accessible please notify the Adults Principal Social Worker: Liana.kotze@lbbd.gov.uk who supports the updates.
Thank you.
Susanne Knoerr
Interim Operational Director
Note: The guidance on this site is based on national legal requirements and best practice. Some sections have been localised but to ensure that your practice meets and reflects our internal processes and local requirements, you should always check the Local Resources area for any additional guidance.
Local Resources
Local Resources are our internal processes, documents and internet/intranet links to support effective implementation of the procedures. You can access these directly using the Local Resources button.
Register for Updates
Click here to register for updates now. This will ensure that you receive automatic notification as soon as any changes are made to the site.
To find out about the latest amendments to the procedures see: Amendments.
Children's services and transitions
Practitioners working across both children's and adult services can easily access the Children's Services Procedures here.
Enter Procedures by Team
The Care Act 2014 & The Mental Capacity Act 2005
Deprivation of Liberty Procedures
Arranging Services
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