Fostering Panel
The role of the Fostering Panel is to approve and review foster carers in a way that reflects different perspectives and best practice and ensures objectivity.
The Fostering Panel will be organised efficiently and effectively so as to ensure that good quality recommendations are made about the approval or reapproval of foster carers, in line with the overriding objective to promote and safeguard the welfare of children in foster care.
The functions, which the Fostering Panel carries out, contribute towards meeting the statutory requirements of the Fostering Services Regulations 2011 and the Care Standards Act 2000.
The regulations cited in this procedure are the Fostering Services Regulations 2011.
There are also references to the National Minimum Standards for Fostering Services.
For the purpose of this procedure, the 'Fostering Service Provider' refers to the Local Authority.
This chapter was amended November 2022, to include a link to Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers in Section 10, Feedback and Contribution to Quality Assurance.1. Membership of Fostering Panel
There is no fixed panel membership or maximum number of members or maximum tenure of office.
The membership must be drawn from a Central List of persons with appropriate qualifications and/or experience, including one or more registered social workers who have at least three years' relevant post-qualifying experience. It is recognised as important to recruit Central List members from a variety of personal and professional perspectives and to ensure that there is appropriate diversity in terms of Panel's membership.
Panel members will include some individuals who are employees or councillors of Redcar and Cleveland Council. However, it is also important that independent members are recruited in addition to the recruitment of an Independent Panel Chair.
Independent members should include, where possible, at least one person from each of the following criteria:
- Someone who is, or within the previous two years has been, a foster carer for a fostering service provider other than for Redcar BC;
- A person who has personal experience of being cared for, including personal experience of being fostered;
- Someone with expertise in child health;
- Someone with expertise in education;
- A person with a background in mental health and/or counselling.
A person shall not be appointed as an independent member of a Fostering Panel if:
- They are a foster carer approved by the fostering service provider;
- The fostering service provider employs them;
- They are involved in the management of the fostering service;
- The person is an elected member of the local authority.
Recruitment of Central List Members
There will be regular recruitment to the Central List to ensure that there are sufficient members, with a range of personal and professional experience to draw upon when arranging Fostering Panel Meetings.
All potential Central List members will need to complete an Application Form and will be interviewed by a recruitment panel which will include Panel Chair/Vice Chair, Panel Adviser and wherever possible a care-experienced young person.
All Panel members must have been the subject of a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks before taking up their appointment. These DBS checks should be kept up to date and recorded, including the date when the checks were made. Personal and relevant work references will also be obtained in writing and must be satisfactory.
Up to two Vice Chairs, whose role is to chair the Panel when the Chair is unavailable may be recruited, to deputise for the Panel Chair when they are not available. Vice Chairs may be drawn from existing Panel members or may be newly recruited specifically for this role.
Induction and ongoing training
Each Central List member must be provided with written information on appointment and provided with performance objectives, including their participation in induction and other training and safeguarding as well as the confidentiality of records and information submitted to Panel. They will be asked to sign an "Undertaking for Fostering Panel Members" - in relation to their membership, covering the service expectations (including the requirement to report any involvement in criminal proceedings), confidentiality issues and confirm their commitment to anti-discriminatory practice.
Where it is considered that someone is unsuitable to be on the Central List, they must be given one months' notice in writing and reasons for the decision to end their inclusion on the list. The Chair will be appointed by the Service Manager (Children in Our Care & Resources). As from 1st October 2011 an Independent Chair must be appointed).
All Panel members will also be required to attend at least one Panel meeting as an observer before taking up their membership. Panel members should complete induction training within 10 weeks of joining the Central List, have access to appropriate training and skills development and have the opportunity to attend joint training with fostering staff at least annually.
A fee for attendance is payable to Independent Panel members. Fee levels will be kept under review.
Panel members may resign by giving one month's notice to the Fostering Panel Adviser.
Performance Appraisal
There is a process for the annual review of the performance of Panel members (including of the Panel chair by the Agency Decision-Maker) and for the performance management of members. Where necessary the termination of the appointment must be considered.
Where there are concerns about a Panel member's behaviour either inside or outside the meetings, and this cannot be dealt with by advice, training and/or information, this will be raised by the Chair with the Fostering Panel Adviser.
The Panel Adviser will decide whether someone is unsuitable to be on the Central List and therefore to end the appointment and if so, will advise the member in writing giving one month's notice and clear reasons for the decision.
2. Functions of the Fostering Panel
The Fostering Panel will consider each fostering application for approval and recommend whether or not a person is suitable to act as a foster carer.
Where the Fostering Panel recommends approval of an application it will agree the terms of approval for carers, e.g. age of and number of children, type of placement, whether approval is in relation to a specific child.
The Fostering Panel will consider whether or not a person is suitable to act as a foster carer and whether the terms of their approval remain appropriate:
- On the first review:
- On the occasion of any other Foster Carer Review when requested to do so by the fostering service provider; this will include Foster Carer Reviews where allegations against carers or standards issues are to be considered.
Fostering Panel may also be asked to:
- Advise on the procedures under which reviews are carried out by the fostering service provider and periodically monitor their effectiveness;
- Oversee the conduct of assessments carried out by the fostering service provider;
- Give advice and make recommendations on such other matters or cases that the fostering service provider may refer to it;
- Note carer resignations - and where resignations are received when there have been allegations or standards issues in relation to carers, Panel will be given an opportunity to comment upon the likelihood that a deregistration would have been recommended, if the carer had not resigned.
All recommendations made by the Fostering Panel are passed to the Agency Decision Maker for his/her decision.
3. Operation of the Fostering Panel
Frequency of meetings
Fostering Panel meetings currently take place on the fourth Monday of each month, however, where there is the need to consider additional business some additional Fostering Panel Meetings may be arranged, in consultation with members. The Business Support Officer (Fostering Service) will liaise with Central List members to ensure that there are sufficient Panel members available for Panel Meetings.
Quorum – to undertake business
The quorum is 5 provided that the following are present:
- Either the Chair or one of the Vice Chairs (in the absence of the chair). If the meeting is conducted by the vice chair who is not independent, there must be at least one other member of the panel who is independent;
- One of the social worker representatives with at least three years post qualifying experience;
- Three other members.
Members of the Fostering Panel are required to make declarations of a conflict of interest if they feel a personal relationship or prior involvement with prospective and existing foster carers may prejudice their objectivity. This should be declared as soon as possible after the Panel Agenda has been received.
Where a declaration of conflict of interest is made, Panel Chair should consider whether the declaration constitutes a conflict of interest. If it is felt to be so, the Panel Chair should either ask the member to stand down for that agenda item or decide to defer the item if the meeting would be inquorate. Declarations of interest must be minuted.
Agenda Management
A Schedule of Fostering Panel dates will be agreed and distributed to all Panel members and to the Fostering Team at the start of each year. The Schedule indicates the dates by which all documentation must be submitted for Quality Assurance prior to papers being distributed to Panel Members.
There is a system to track current assessments which are being undertaken and there will be identification of the target Fostering Panel date at which assessments will be considered. Within Supervising Social Worker supervision sessions there will be monitoring of the progress of assessments and identification of assessments which may be behind schedule. The Team Manager (Fostering Service) will ensure that the Fostering Panel Adviser and Senior Business Support Officer (Fostering Service) are aware if assessments are not able to meet the identified Panel date. This will allow for the Panel Adviser to consider changes to the Agenda and identification of other business that is ready can be considered for that Panel date.
All reports must be received by Senior Business Support Officer by the date set out in the annual Panel Schedule, together with confirmation of who will be attending (including applicants). Invitation letters will be sent to applicants/carers by the Senior Business Support Officer.
Assessing Social Workers/Supervising Social Workers must attend Panel for their agenda item. Applicants should also be invited to attend Panel by their assessing worker, and will receive a letter or email to confirm the time of attendance.
It is important that there is appropriate tracking of Foster Carer Reviews which need to come to the Fostering Panel. Priority needs to be given to foster carers first Foster Carer Reviews and to Foster Carer Reviews where there have been allegations against carers or standards of care issues identified. It is good practice to seek to bring other foster carer reviews periodically to the Fostering Panel (e.g. once every three years), however it is recognised that this may not always be achievable due to priority business.
See: Flow diagram for the Foster Carer Review Process (Local Resources).
The Senior Business Support Officer (Fostering) will set the agenda in consultation with the Fostering Panel Adviser and Panel Chair and circulate to all Panel members at least five working days before the meeting. Panel Chair will consult with panel members to develop a list of questions to ask social workers and carers who will attend panel.
There will be discussion between the Panel Chair and Panel Adviser regarding the items confirmed for each Agenda and this will explore the time needed for business items and whether (if there is outstanding documentation) an Agenda item may need to be removed.
Applicants can attend with a supporter and 'be heard' at fostering panel meetings that consider their approval.
The Panel Administrator may arrange for observers to attend meetings, in consultation with the Panel Chair but no more than 2 observers may attend at any one time. The Panel Adviser will need to be informed of any observers who will be attending. Supervising Social Workers will need to check with applicants/carers that they give consent to observer being present.
4. Documentation Required to Facilitate Fostering Panel in Reaching a Recommendation
It is important that Fostering Panel receive appropriate documentation to ensure that they are able to make informed recommendations. Examples of appropriate documentation are:
For Form F or Form C Assessments:
Social Workers Assessment Form – which indicates that all statutory checks completed | Safer Caring – Household Plan |
Personal References | Home Health and Safety Assessment |
Ex-partner references | Pet Assessments (where pets in home) |
Work References | Evidence of birth children's views |
Adult Child References | Financial Assessment |
Chronology | Genogram/Ecomap |
For Foster Carer Reviews
Supervising Social Worker Report | Updated Health & Safety Form |
Foster Carer's Review Report | Updated Pet Assessment |
Reviewing Officers Report | Safer Care Policy |
Children's Social Worker Reports | Child in Placement Feedback |
Birth Children's Questionnaires |
5. Arrangements for the Panel Meeting
Applicants, foster carers and professionals invited to attend Fostering Panel will have had an invitation letter providing an estimated time when their approval is being discussed. Applicants should also receive a booklet with Profiles of Panel Members so that there is transparency about the background and experience of Panel members. Whether Panel meetings are taking place physically or virtually, it is important that attendees are kept informed if Panel is running behind schedule. Where Panel is taking place in an office environment it is important that there is a suitable waiting area, where applicants cannot overhear wider Panel business. Applicants and professionals will be welcomed into the meeting by the Fostering Panel Chair.
Meeting process for items of business
- Assessing Social Worker/Supervising Social Worker invited into Panel:
- Introduction by Panel Chair and Panel members;
- Introduction of Panel Adviser/Business Support Officer;
- Introduction of any observers (checking that there is consent);
- Questions for Supervising Social Worker.
- Applicants/Carers invited into Panel alongside their Assessing/Supervising Social Worker: (A supporter, including a FISS Worker where there has been an allegation may also attend):
- Introduction by Panel Chair and Panel members;
- Introduction of Panel Adviser/Business Support Officer;
- Introduction of any observers (checking that there is consent);
- Questions for applicants;
- Opportunity for applicants/carers to ask any questions.
- Applicants/Carers leave meeting while Panel reaches recommendation:
- Panel Chair will ask all Panel members for their recommendation and reasons for recommendation.
- Applicants/Carers invited back into meeting when the recommendation will be shared with them. Panel Chair will explain the ADM process and likely timescale for a decision being made.
There may be occasions where Panel do not feel they have all the information needed to reach a recommendation and Panel Chair may agree that the business item should be deferred. Where a deferral is being made, Fostering Panel will provide clarity about what information will be required when the business item is brought back to Panel.
6. Minute Taking
The Senior Business Support Officer or other Business Support colleague will complete minutes of the meeting.
Whilst the Minutes will not be verbatim, they will provide a good record of Panel’s questions and responses to questions. Within the Minutes there will be a record of the recommendations and reasons for recommendations, drawing out strengths and vulnerabilities in relation to applications and reviews. Minutes may refer to the quality of documentation provided.
If a Panel member registers dissent over any matter, their dissension must be recorded clearly within the Panel minutes.
The Senior Business Support Officer will complete the minutes within two working days of the relevant Fostering Panel meeting. They are then sent to the Panel Chair and Fostering Panel Adviser to check for accuracy. Any amendments are made before the Minutes and the documents which were considered by Fostering Panel for each business item are sent to the Agency Decision-maker.
7. Data Protection and Confidentiality
Panel members will be provided with a login so they are able to access a secure drive where Panel documentation is able to be accessed. Log in details should not be shared with anyone and care should be taken to avoid screen content being viewed by other persons. Panel papers should not be printed out as this increases the possibility of data breach as well as being environmentally undesirable. Where Panel members require paper copies due to accessibility issues – all papers should be securely stored and handed back to the Senior Business Support Officer for confidential shredding.
8. Agency Decision and Notifications
The Agency Decision maker should make a decision in relation to all Panel’s recommendations within 7 working days following receipt of the finalised Panel Minutes.
The Fostering Team Manager will send the relevant notifications within five working days of receipt of ratified minutes. Notification letters to applicants/carers must include details of the decision including details of any approval category. Where a decision is reached not to approve or reapprove a person as a foster carer, a Qualifying Determination letter must be sent to the applicant or carer concerned so they are aware that they have the right to request that the Agency considers their approval again – or whether they wish to make an application to the Independent Review Mechanism.
The Senior Business Support Office will upload the relevant extract of the Minutes to the Protocol record of the applicant/carer whose approval has been discussed. The ADM Decision will also be uploaded – as well as copy of the Notification/Qualifying Determination letter.
9. Practice Issues Arising from Panel
There will be occasions where themes emerge in Panel discussions in relation to the content or quality of reviews or wider practice issues. Practice issues which have been identified within Panel meetings will be followed up by the Fostering Panel Adviser and there will be discussion with the Fostering Team Manager/Service Manager regarding the need for any remedial action where there are practice concerns or areas for improvement have been identified.
10. Feedback and Contribution to Quality Assurance
Panel members will be asked for feedback in relation to the quality of documentation and information provided by social workers in relation to all Panel business. Feedback will also be sought from applicants and from foster carers who attend Foster carer Reviews.
The Chair will communicate any issues of concern to the Panel Adviser/Fostering Service Team Manager. In addition there will be meetings where Panel Chair/Vice Chairs have an opportunity to meet with the Service Manager (Children in our Care & Resources) and Assistant Director (Social care & Early Help) to review the Panel's functioning and report on the quality of work being presented to Panel, to ensure good standards are maintained.
The Panel will receive the Fostering Service Annual report on the Panel's business, including statistical information about approvals, reviews, termination of approvals, the number of children in placement and complaints received about foster carers during the preceding year.
See also: Review and Termination of Approval of Foster Carers