Strategy for Securing Sufficient Placements for Looked After Children and Care Leavers


This chapter was updated in May 2024.

Redcar & Cleveland Brough Council’s Sufficiency Statement for Children in our Care and Care sets out how the Council, as Corporate Parent, meets its statutory Sufficiency Duty as laid down in Section 22G of the Children Act 1989.

The strategy draws on statutory guidance on Securing Sufficient Accommodation for Looked After Children (DfE 2010), the Children Act 2004, the Children Leaving Care Act 2000 and the Children and Social Work Act 2017. It describes how Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council will meet the current and future placement needs of Children in our Care (CioC) and care leavers.

It builds on existing duties in law to promote and safeguard the welfare and well-being of children and high-quality care planning. The strategy details current and planned actions to meet placement sufficiency over the period of the strategy in line with the demographic profile of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council population.

To view our Sufficiency Strategy, please click here.