3. Complaints and Protection

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Absence of a Child Without Authority




Children who are absent without authority are protected in accordance with written guidance and responded to positively on return.



19.1 Children who are absent from the home without consent are protected in line with the home’s written policy and guidance.
19.2 The written procedures of the home identifying action to be taken when a child is absent without authority cover the following areas:
  • searching for any child missing or believed to have run away from the home
  • reporting missing children to the police, to the child’s placing authority and to others (including parents), subject to consultation with the placing authority (this will include risk assessment of the likely danger to the child)
  • action to obtain information about the whereabouts of a missing child and to try to ensure the safety and welfare of that child
  • the collection and return of missing children when found
  • action to be taken on the child’s return
  • allowing for any individual arrangements based on the needs of the child as agreed in his/her placement plan.
19.3 The procedure specifically addresses action to be taken in the event of the absence of a child looked after in taking into account different legal statuses (e.g. voluntarily accommodated or as a care order).
19.4 On return to the home, the child is seen if possible by his/her social worker or a person independent of the home to consider the reasons for the absence without authority. Where this is not possible, the reasons are recorded and agreed with the placing authority. Any reasons given for being absent are considered in relation to how the child is cared for and the child’s placement plan and (where applicable) the placing authority care plan.
19.5 Any report from a child that s/he went missing because of abuse at the home is referred immediately to the local social services department for consideration under Area Child Protection [replaced by Local Safeguarding Children Boards] procedures , and appropriate action is taken to protect the child concerned and other children as necessary.
19.6 Written records are made of the circumstances of all incidents of absconding, all action taken by staff, the circumstances of the child’s return, any reasons given by the child for absconding, and any action taken in the light of those reasons.
19.7 All staff are aware of, and do not exceed, the measures they can take to prevent a child leaving without permission under current legislation and government guidance.
19.8 When a child is considered likely to go missing, the registered person has agreed procedures to monitor the child and to specify how the child may be prevented from leaving the home. Procedures may include physical modification to the premises, behavioural and/or therapeutic approaches to change the child’s behaviour, or agreed physical restraint. Any such measures must be used as agreed in the child’s placement plan and (where applicable) care plan.
19.9 The registered person maintains regular contact with schools attended by children in order to monitor attendance. Where children are thought to be especially vulnerable or prone to frequent absences during the school day, this involves daily contact with the school. Where there is continued absence from school, or a worrying pattern of absence, the registered person initiates both a review of the placement plan and (where applicable) care plan of the child, and of the relevant current care practice of the home.

[Regulations 16, 30]