PLEASE NOTE: New Standards Published

April 2011: The Standards no longer apply, Tri.x have published a web enabled version of the new Children’s Homes and Fostering Standards, please follow this link:

3. Complaints and Protection

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Child Protection Procedures and Training




The welfare of children is promoted, children are protected from abuse, and an appropriate response is made to any allegation or suspicion of abuse.



17.1 There are systems in place to promote the safety and welfare of children and to ensure that children are protected from abuse, which are known and understood by all staff (including junior, ancillary, volunteer and agency staff ).
17.2 A copy of the local Area Child Protection Committee (ACPC) [replaced by Local Safeguarding Children Boards] procedures is kept in the home. The registered person of the home ensures that staff have read these, understand and are knowledgeable about them.
17.3 There are clear procedures in line with the Regulations 2001(3967) which are known, understood and followed by all staff, for responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse, either by staff or by other children in the home, or by others. They include:
  • the requirement that staff or others working at the home who receive an allegation of abuse, or who suspect abuse, should avoid asking leading questions or giving inappropriate guarantees of confidentiality as the information may need to be passed on
  • the requirement to report to the police any evidence of children becoming involved in prostitution, or of unauthorised persons picking children up, contacting children in the home, or observed trying to make contact with children outside the home
  • instructions for staff on action to be taken if an allegation or suspicion of abuse becomes known to them involving the registered person or the person at the time in day to day charge of the home.
17.4 The child protection procedures are consistent with the local policies and procedures agreed by the Area Child Protection Committee (ACPC) [replaced by Local Safeguarding Children Boards] relevant to the geographical area where the home is situated. The child protection procedures have been submitted for consideration and comment to the local ACPC, and any comments taken into account.
17.5 The registered person has liaised with the Local Social Services Department’s Child Protection Co-ordinator (or other senior officer responsible for child protection matters in that department) to seek advice about local procedures and practice, and has discussed how the practices in the home relate to these regarding keeping children safe, responding to allegations or suspicions of abuse, methods of control and risk taking. Any conflicts between locally agreed procedures and those of other placing authorities have also been discussed and resolved as far as possible.
17.6 There is written guidance for staff which makes clear the ways in which the registered person of the home will ensure that members of staff subject to allegations against them will have access to information and support whilst an investigation ensues.
17.7 Procedural guidance for staff clearly demonstrates the systems required in order to protect children and minimise the risk of abuse whilst the child is living in the home. This includes guidance on:
  • making a full assessment of children’s histories and any experience of abuse
  • observing contacts between children
  • supervision of children
  • supervision and support of staff
  • recognition of possible involvement of children in prostitution
  • confidentiality
  • physical contact between staff and children
  • one to one time alone by staff with children
  • intimate care and invasive procedures
  • administering medication.
17.8 The registered person ensures the provision of training for all staff, including ancillary staff, agency staff and volunteers, in the prevention of abuse, recognition of abuse (including its recognition in non-verbal children), dealing with disclosures or suspicions of abuse, and the home’s child protection procedures. This training is included in induction programmes for new staff, including temporary or agency staff, and is ongoing for the staff group in keeping with the aims and objectives of the home.
17.9 The registered person and staff have routine links with other agencies concerned with child protection e.g. the placing authority, schools, hospitals, general practitioners, etc., and do not work in isolation from them.
17.10 The registered person follows any local interagency protocols on prevention and investigation of child prostitution.

[Regulation 16 ]