PLEASE NOTE: New Standards Published

April 2011: The Standards no longer apply, Tri.x have published a web enabled version of the new Children’s Homes and Fostering Standards, please follow this link:

1. Planning for Care

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Moving in and Leaving the Home




Children are able to move into and leave the home in a planned and sensitive manner.



5.1 There are procedures for introducing children to the home, the staff and the children living there which cover planned and, where permitted under the home’s Statement of Purpose, emergency admissions.
5.2 The home’s expectations of the child and what s/he can expect of staff are clearly explained, prior to admission wherever possible and, where not possible, are explained immediately on admission, and are reiterated as often as is necessary to ensure that the child has understood them.
5.3 Children are encouraged to bring favourite and cherished possessions with them when they move into the home. Careful consideration is given to the possibility of pets and to the feasibility of bringing items of high value, if this is requested.
5.4 There are procedures for children leaving the home covering both planned and emergency departures.
5.5 On moving to or leaving the home children are provided with written and verbal information which is designed to be appealing and understandable, providing facts which they need and wish to have. If leaving the home is also moving to independent or semi-independent living, the home makes the relevant contribution to the assessment of the young person’s needs and to the resulting Pathway Plan and/or leaving care plan (see STANDARD 6).
5.6 The registered person does not admit children in an emergency unless this is explicitly included as a function of the home in its Statement of Purpose, and the home is at the time of admission able to provide a bedroom and appropriate facilities in the home. A review is initiated as soon as possible, and never more than 72 hours later, after any emergency admission to consider whether the child admitted in an emergency should remain at the home, or whether it is in that child’s interests to move to a different placement.
5.7 Both the needs of the child concerned, and the likely effects of his/her admission upon the existing group of residents, are taken into account, and recorded, in decisions on admission to the home.
5.8 Children are supported to express and cope with their feelings about being away from home.

[Regulation 11, Children Act 1989, Sections 22,61,64]