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Welcome to our Procedures, Practice Guidance and Tools for Adult Social Care

These procedures, practice guidance and tools should be used as required by practitioners across all adult social care teams and services in (insert name of customer).

The information included will:

  • Guide and inform practice;
  • Provide information about local policy and procedures for social workers, occupational therapists and other social care practitioners in (insert name of customer); and
  • Keep practitioners up to date with local and national developments in adult social care.

Note: The guidance on this site is based on national legal requirements and best practice. Some sections have been localised but to ensure that your practice meets and reflects our internal processes and local requirements, you should always check the Local Resources area for any additional guidance.

Local Resources

Local Resources are our internal processes, documents and internet/intranet links to support effective implementation of the procedures. You can access these directly using the Local Resources button.

Register for Updates

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Provide feedback

To provide feedback, report any issues or suggest improvements to the procedures or Local Resources, please contact (insert name and contact details of person managing the procedures).


To find out about the latest amendments to the procedures see: Amendments.

Children’s services and transitions

Practitioners working across both children's and adult services can easily access the Children's Procedures here.

Enter Procedures by Team

Only access the procedures that are relevant to your area of work

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