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Children Involved in the Youth Justice System: Additional National Guidance


This chapter was updated in June 2024.

Youth Justice Board - Standards for Children in the Youth Justice System - These standards define the minimum expectation for all agencies that provide statutory services to ensure good outcomes for children in the youth justice system.

Youth Justice Board Case management guidance - Guidance for youth offending team practitioners and managers on how to work with children in the youth justice system.

YJB and Probation Joint National Protocol for Transitions in England - Protocol to support the planned and safe movement of young people from youth offending teams (YOTs) to the Probation Service when they turn 18.

National Appropriate Adult website

Probation Service Management of Young Adults Policy Framework - This Policy Framework sets out the expected ways of working with Young Adults aged between 18 and 25 years old by the Probation Service.

HMPPS Child Safeguarding Policy Framework - This framework provides HMPPS staff and strategic leads with a summary of requirements as part of their child safeguarding responsibilities.

Healthcare standards for children and young people in secure settings - The standards take a pathway and multi-professional approach, following the young person's journey through a secure setting. They apply to children and young people aged between 10-17 (inclusive) on both welfare and justice placements in secure centres, including young offender institutions, secure children's homes, secure training centres and their equivalents.

Care Experience Matters - GOV.UK - a guide to how prisons, probation and local authorities can work together to support people with care experience in custody and on probation.

Guidance: Use of Force, Restraint and Restrictive Practices in the Children and Young People Secure Estate - This policy framework sets out rules and guidance on the use of approved restraint techniques and restrictive physical interventions for staff at secure settings and escort providers in the Youth Custody Service (YCS).

A Joint Thematic Inspection of Work with Children Subject to Remand in Youth Detention.