Making a Referral (Hospital Activity Recovery Team)

1. Referral Criteria

Referrals can be made by any hospital in which a Waltham Forest resident aged 18 or above is admitted.

This includes:

  1. In borough hospitals; and
  2. Out of borough hospitals.

The team can also accept referrals for people in a Waltham Forest hospital who are not ordinarily resident in Waltham Forest but who are staying in the area.

Learning disability and mental health

If the person is already known to the Learning Disability Team or Mental Health Services in Waltham Forest a referral to the Hospital Team should not be made.

Instead the relevant team should be contacted as soon as possible after admission;

Learning Disability: 020 8496 3000

Mental Health Services: Use the number on the person’s Care Plan or call Mental Health Direct on 0300 555 1000.

2. Making a Referral

All referrals to the Hospital Team should be made directly following available local processes and guidance.

Referrals for adult Care and Support interventions cannot be taken unless:

  1. The person or carer the referral relates to is making the referral;
  2. The person or carer the referral relates to has given their consent to the referral; or
  3. The person that the referral relates to lacks mental capacity to make a referral and a decision has been made under Best Interests that a referral should be made; or
  4. The person that the referral relates to is at risk of harm from abuse or neglect.

Consent to Contact/Referral and Mental Capacity

If there are concerns that the person may lack capacity to consent to the contact or referral then a proportionate mental capacity assessment must be carried out to determine whether this is the case. This can be carried out by the person making the contact or referral if they have the necessary skills to do so, or by the Local Authority as part of the referral process.

If the person has capacity to consent following the mental capacity assessment their consent must be obtained before making the contact or referral.

If the person lacks capacity to consent following the mental capacity assessment then a Best Interest Decision must be made to confirm that making the contact or referral will be in their Best Interests.

Click here to access the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Resource and Practice Toolkit, with guidance about assessing capacity and making best interest decisions.

4. Safeguarding

To raise an urgent concern call 020 8496 3000 or Email:

Note: If you are raising the concern outside of normal office hours use the telephone number and an Emergency Duty Social Worker will call you back.

To raise a non-urgent concern, wherever possible use the online referral form by clicking here.

Note: When using the online form you may be asked to Register or Login. If so, you can bypass this request by selecting ‘continue without an account’. You will then be taken to the referral form.

If you do not have internet access or are unable to complete the online referral form independently you can visit a Library Plus branch where self service computers are available and staff are on hand to provide support if needed.

  • Chingford Library Plus - The Green, Chingford, E4 7EN;
  • Leyton Library Plus - High Road, Leyton, E10 5QH;
  • Leytonstone Library Plus - 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone, E11 1HG;
  • Walthamstow Library Plus - High Street, Walthamstow, E17 7JN.

If it is not possible to use the online contact form, use one of the alternative methods of contact. The most important thing is that a referral is made.

If you are concerned that an adult is in imminent danger from abuse or neglect, or that a criminal act has taken place you should contact the police by dialing 999.