Internal and External Referrals (Community Activity Recovery Team)

1. External Referrals

External referrals are those made by:

  1. A health professional or service;
  2. A person or carer (self referral); or
  3. Any other organisation (e.g. housing or advocacy).

Click here to access the procedure ‘Requesting Adult Social Care Support’ for information about making an external referral to the Community Activity Recovery Team (CART).

2. Internal Referrals

Internal referrals are those made by the Early Help Team, Help Team, the Hospital Team or any other adult social care team.

Reablement referrals

An internal referral for reablement should confirm:

  1. That a proportionate assessment of the person's needs has been carried out;
  2. How it has been determined that the reablement service is an appropriate and proportionate service to prevent, reduce or delay the person's needs;
  3. That the referrer has explained the reablement service to the person and sought their consent to make the referral; or
  4. The referrer has assessed the person as lacking capacity to consent to the referral and made a best interests decision to this effect; and
  5. The referrer is satisfied that the person is able to and willing to engage with the reablement service.