
March 2024

CAPTION: March 2024
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Statement of Purpose This document has been updated.
New Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Dispute Escalation and Resolution Process This document has been added to the procedures manual.
Review of Early Permanence Carers and Prospective Adopters This document has been added to the procedures manual.
Network Meetings This document has been added to the procedures manual.
Social Worker Visits by Adopt North East During Recruitment, Assessment and Placement This document has been added to the procedures manual.
Social Media and Internet Checks of Applicant Adopters This document has been added to the procedures manual.
Adoption Support Fund This document has been added to the procedures manual.
CAPTION: next update date
Next Update: September 2024

August 2023

CAPTION: August 2023
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters This chapter has been amended in line with revised Keeping Children Safe in Education. New Section 2, The Difference Between an Allegation of Harm and a Concern has been added.

March 2023

CAPTION: March 2023
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Recruitment of Prospective Adopters This chapter has been refreshed.
Assessment of Adopters This chapter has been refreshed.
Adoption Panel This chapter has been refreshed.
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters This chapter has been refreshed.
Adoption Support This chapter has been refreshed.
New Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Safeguarding and Child Protection This chapter has been added to the procedures manual.

August 2022

CAPTION: August 2022
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Statement of Purpose This PDF has been updated.
Guidance on Checks and References This PDF has been updated.
Supervision Policy This PDF has been updated.
New Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Non-Agency Adoption This new document has been added.

February 2022

CAPTION: February 2022
Updated Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Early Permanence Placements This chapter has been updated.
Eligibility Criteria for Prospective Adopters This chapter has been updated.
Recruitment of Prospective Adopters Section 2, Responding to Initial Contacts, Section 3, Information Events and Section 4, Initial Meeting have been revised in line with local practice.
Guidance on Checks and References This chapter has been updated.
Financial Support in Adoption This chapter has been updated.
New Chapters
Chapter Name Details
Practice Guidance for when Foster Carer/s wish to Adopt a Child in their Care This chapter has been added to the manual.
Disruption of Adoptive Placements This pdf has been added to the manual.