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This contents list is sub divided into the following sections, each Section contains relevant Chapters/Procedures: (Click on the title to jump to the Section you require):

  1. Journey of the Child
  2. Recruitment and Assessment of Adopters
  3. Family Finding
  4. Adoption Support
  5. Non-Agency Adoption
  6. Birth Family
  7. Safeguarding and Child Protection
  8. Other Guidance and Information

1. Journey of the Child

1.1 Early Permanence Placements  
1.2 Relinquished Babies/Children  
1.3 Guidance on Name Changes  
1.4 Moving to Adoption  
1.5 Statement of Purpose  
1.6 Dispute Escalation and Resolution Process  

2. Recruitment and Assessment of Adopters

2.1 Eligibility Criteria for Prospective Adopters  
2.2 Recruitment of Prospective Adopters  
2.3 Assessment of Adopters  
2.4 Guidance on Checks and References  
2.5 Guidance on Overweight Adopters  
2.6 Guidance on Health and Safety Checks  
2.7 Inter Country Adoption  
2.8 Practice Guidance for when Foster Carer/s wish to Adopt a Child in their Care  
2.9 Adoption Panel  
2.10 Review of Early Permanence Carers and Prospective Adopters  
2.11 Allegations Against Prospective Adopters  
2.12 Adopter Case Records  
2.13 Network Meetings  
2.14 Social Worker Visits by Adopt North East During Recruitment, Assessment and Placement  
2.15 Social Media and Internet Checks of Applicant Adopters  

3. Family Finding

3.1 Family Finding Journey including role and responsibilities  
3.2 Guidance on Child Specific Recruitment  
3.3 Guidance on Link Maker  
3.4 Guidance on Life Appreciation Days  
3.5 Guidance on Activity Days  

4. Adoption Support

4.1 Adoption Support  
4.2 Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund  
4.3 Access to Birth Records and Adoption Case Records  
4.4 Post Box  
4.5 Monitoring and Supervision of Adoptive Placements  
4.6 Financial Support in Adoption  
4.7 Disruption of Adoptive Placements  
  See also Regional Adoption Agencies Adoption Support Transfer Protocol - this protocol applies to all Regional Adoption Agencies. It outlines the expected process, accountabilities and procedures that should be applied when the responsibility of the provision of adoption support transfers from one agency to another.  

5. Non-Agency Adoption

5.1 Non-Agency Adoption  

6. Birth Family

6.1 Birth Family Counselling  
6.2 Birth Family Access to Records  
6.3 Post Box  

7. Safeguarding and Child Protection

7.1 Safeguarding and Child Protection  

See also relevant Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures including:

Recognising Abuse and Neglect


Female Genital Mutilation

Online Safety

Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

Safe Recruitment


8. Other Guidance and Information

8.1 Adopt North East Privacy Notice  
8.2 Supervision Policy  
8.3 Lone Working Policy  
8.4 Whistleblowing Policy  
8.5 Financial Process Guidance  
8.6 Standards for Case Recording  
8.7 Guidance on Assessment and Approval in a Pandemic