
September 2024

Caption: September 2024
Updated Procedures
Procedure Title Details
Disclosure and Raising a Concern Section 6, If the Adult has Died has been updated to clarify that a concern should still be raised if the death may have been as a result of abuse or neglect. Information has been also added about the requirement that local authorities should notify Ofsted of the death of any care leaver under the age of 25, where it is aware of their care leaver status. Relevant sections of this chapter have been updated to include information about concerns relating solely to pressure ulcers.
Responding to a Concern Section 10, If the Adult has Died has been added, containing information previously located in the chapter Disclosure and Raising a Concern. Additionally, the subsection ‘Who cannot act as an appropriate adult’ has been changed to ‘Who can act as an appropriate adult’, and the information has been amended to better reflect the content already present in the tri.x Care Act 2014 Resource. Information about concerns relating solely to pressure ulcers has been added to Section 7, Other Matters for Consideration. Also, in Section 10, If the Adult has Died, information has been added about the requirement that local authorities should notify Ofsted of the death of any care leaver under the age of 25, where it is aware of their care leaver status.
Allegations against Service Providers (including Organisational Abuse) Section 6, Concerns about Pressure Ulcers and Section 7, Concerns about the use of Restraint in Mental Health Units have been added.
Domestic Abuse (including MARAC and MATAC) The text ‘she is’ in Section 4, MARAC has been altered to ‘they are’ to ensure that no gender assumptions are made.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) This chapter has been reviewed and refreshed. This included adding information about training and links to statutory guidance and other resources.
Sexual Exploitation Localised amendments have been made to Section 1, What is Sexual Exploitation? to reflect the practice of the Northumberland Children and Adults Safeguarding Partnership.(NCASP).
Modern Slavery This chapter has been replaced with a revised and updated version.
Radicalisation and Violent Extremism This chapter has been replaced with a revised and updated version.
Safeguarding in Prisons and Approved Premises This chapter has been replaced with a revised and updated version.
LeDeR Reviews A link to the LeDeR online referral was added.
New Procedures and Features
Procedure Title Details
Honour Based Abuse This new chapter has been added.
Forced Marriage This new chapter has been added.
Removed Procedures
  • Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage.

Next Update: March 2005

March 2024

Caption: March 2024
Updated Procedures
Procedure Title Details
Allegations against People in a Position of Trust Section 1, What is a Position of Trust has been updated to include people that provide regular coaching, teaching or instruction in sport or religion.
Domestic Abuse (including MARAC and MATAC) Several sections of this chapter have been updated. This has included revising Section 1.1, Definition of Domestic Abuse and adding a dedicated subsection ‘controlling and coercive behaviour’, updating the LGA link in Section 2, adding clarity around domestic abuse and children, and adding information about IDVA’s/ISVA’s.
Mate Crime This chapter has been renamed ‘Mate Crime’. It has been fully reviewed and refreshed. Information about cuckooing (also known as forced home invasion) has been relocated to a new chapter.
Exploitation: County Lines This chapter has been fully reviewed and refreshed in line with updated Home Office guidance ‘Criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: county lines’.
New Procedures and Features
Procedure Title Details
Throughout the Manual A link to the Contacts and Practice Resources has been added to the navigation bar.
Cuckooing (Forced Home Invasion) This chapter has been added to the manual.
Fabricated or Induces Illness in Adults This new chapter has been added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.
Offensive Weapon Homicide Reviews This new chapter has been added to the Learning and Improvement section.

September 2023

Caption: September 2023
Updated Procedures
Procedure Title Details
Responding to a Concern An update has been made to the provider details in Section 9, Independent Advocacy.
Professional Curiosity Section 5, Be Self Aware in Your Practice has been updated to include proportionality.
Safeguarding Adults with Dementia Section 1, Adults with Dementia has been refreshed to add further information about mental capacity, and a new section ‘Further Guidance’ has been added to include a link to the government guidance ‘Supporting people living with dementia to be involved in adult safeguarding enquiries’.
Domestic Abuse (including MARAC and MATAC)

Section 3, Specialist Domestic Abuse Services and Support and Section 4, MARAC have both been updated.

Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage Section 4, has been renamed ‘Statutory Guidance and Practice Guidelines’. The content has been refreshed to include information about the multi-agency statutory guidance for dealing with forced marriage and practice guidelines for responding to cases that has been issued in July 2022. A new Section 5 has been also added to provide a link to additional resources and information.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Section 3, FGM and the Law, has been updated to include information about the duties and measures of the Serious Crime Act 2015.
Violent and Sexual Abuse The abbreviation (MAPPA) has been removed from the main title and a new Section 1 has been added to provide information about the Serious Violence Duty under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022.
Exploitation: Modern Slavery A new section has been added to include the Local Government Association Guidance ‘Council guide to tackling modern slavery’.
Transitional Safeguarding In Section 5, Further Information and Resources, a link has been added to the Local Government Association (LGA) Transitional safeguarding resources webpage.

April 2023

Caption: April 2023
Updated Procedures
Procedure Title Details
Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) All links in Section 5, Referral for a SAR have been updated.

March 2023

Caption: March 2023
Updated Procedures
Procedure Title Details
Overarching Aims, Duties, Principles A small text has been made to Section 6, Principles of the Mental Capacity Act.
Process Maps and Case Studies The process map Overall Safeguarding Process including timescales has been updated.
Disclosure and Raising a Concern A change of email address has been made for the Adult Care Staff when needing to raise a concern. A link to the new referral form was also provided.
Responding to a Concern Some typos have been corrected. In Section 7, Other Matters for Consideration text has been added about the impact of protected characteristics.
Domestic Abuse (Including MARAC and MATAC) This chapter has been substantially updated to reflect changes made by the Domestic Abuse Act 2021:

Section 1: Change in definition and terminology
Section 2: Change in status of children as victims
Section 3: Inclusion of additional sources of support
Section 4: Change to reflect new guidance around an adult's inability to consent to abuse, even if they have capacity.
Violent and Sexual Abuse (MAPPA) This procedure has been updated to include category 4 offenders and reflect current Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) guidance.
Safeguarding Homeless Adults A link to the 'Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities' has been added to Section 2, The Homelessness Reduction Act. A new Section 4, Domestic Abuse has been added.
Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) This procedure has been updated to provide added clarity around mandatory and discretionary SARs, and to include additional information from Social Care Institute for Excellence and the LGA to support SAB's.

The annual report link has been updated to 2021-2022.
Domestic Homicide Reviews A new Section 4, The Domestic Abuse Commissioner has been added.
New Procedures and Features
Procedure Title Details
Safeguarding Adults Policy Statement This new chapter has been added.
Removed Procedures
  • Discretionary Reviews.

September 2022

Caption: September 2022
Updated Procedures
Procedure Title Details
Branding The logo and colour has been changed to reflect the branding of the amalgamated Children's and Adults Board.
Overarching Aims, Duties and Principles Section 6. The Principles of the Mental Capacity Act has been updated to include a link to the local Northumberland Adult Social Care mental capacity guidance.
Missing Adults This chapter has been completely refreshed to provide more comprehensive information and a link to the National Missing Children and Adult Strategy. It has also been localised to include information about the Northumbria Missing Adults Protocol.
Domestic Abuse (including MARAC and MATAC) The procedure 'Domestic Abuse (including MARAC)' has been renamed and a new section added about the MATAC process.
Prevent – Safeguarding Adults against Radicalisation and Violent Extremism The procedure 'Radicalisation and Violent Extremism' has been renamed and information about risks, indicators and the process for making a Prevent referral added.
Safeguarding Homeless Adults Information has been added to include the LGA/ADASS briefing Adult Safeguarding and homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice.
Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) Links to local forms have been updated in Section 5, Referral for a SAR.
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) - various procedures A whole site search and replace has changed all occurrences to 'Integrated Care Board (ICB)' to reflect new arrangements under the Health and Care Act 2022.
New Procedures and Features
Procedure Title Details
Professional Curiosity This new procedure has been added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.
Transitional Safeguarding This new procedure has been added to the Safeguarding Adults Practice Guidance section.