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Title: Type of resource:
When Inserted:
Consent and Confidentiality Quick Guide 27/06/2022
Threshold Framework Framework 29/06/2022
Title: Resource
When Inserted:
Family Group Conference Policy Policy & Procedure 25/10/2021
Family Group Conference  Practice Hub Page 26/05/2022
Section 17 Financial Support Guidance 22/10/2021
Aftercare S.117 Responsibilities Mental Health Act (1983) Policy 1/2/2022
Title: Resource
When Inserted:
PLO Toolkit Practice Hub September 2022
Legal Resources Hub Complete Process Practice Hub 1/2/2022
Title: When Inserted:
Critical Care Information - Practice Hub Managers Toolkit Update June 2023
Title: Type of resource:
When Inserted:
Chronologies Policy 26/02/2024
Title: Resource
When Inserted:
Joint Policy and Guidance for Homeless (16 and 17 years olds) 2020 - 2025) Policy 08/10/2020 - valid till 2025
Homeless 16 - 17 year olds 2020 - 2025 Flowchart 23/10/2020 - valid till 2025
Title: Resource:
When Inserted:
Children missing from home

Joint Protocol

Police, Staffordshire County Council, City of Stoke-on-Trent



Title: Type of resource: When Inserted:
Child and YP Participation in Statutory Review Process Process 26/09/2023
Title: When Inserted:
Title: Type of Resource
When Inserted:
National Insurance Guidance 11/02/2021
Protocol between Next Steps Team and Youth Offending Service Policy 19/02/2021
Staying Put Policy 13/06/2022
Qualifying Care Leavers Policy 17/07/2024
Qualifying Care Leavers Letter Template Letter Template 17/07/2024
Title: When Inserted:
Title: Resource Type When Inserted:
Adoption Disruptions T4C Regional (Cross ref National 5.2.8) 28/04/2021
Adoption Panel Policy T4C Regional (Cross ref National 5.2.2) 28/04/2021

Adoption Pre-Commencement 2005

T4C Regional (Cross ref National 5.2.13)

Adoption Placement Planning T4 Regional 28/04/2021
Adoption Records Policy T4C Regional (Cross ref National 5.2.11) 28/04/2021
Adoption Support T4C Regional(Cross ref National 5.2.4) 28/04/2021
Approved Foster Carers who wish to Adopt T4 Regional 29/04/2021
Children Relinquished for Adoption T4C Regional(Cross ref National 5.2.13 and National 3.7.1) 28/04/2021
Contact Guidance 17/02/2021

Change of Name Policy (T4C)

Policy 3/02/2022

Deciding if a child should be placed for adoption

Guidance 17/02/2021
Access to information in Post Commencement Adoptions (Adoptions where the Order is made after 30/12/05) 28/08/20 T4C Regional (Cross ref National 5.2.13) 28/04/2021
Allegations Against Prospective Adopters (28/08/20) T4C Regional (Cross Ref National 5.2.8) 28/04/2021
Family Finding and Matching (30/01/2020) T4 Regional 29/04/21
Fostering for Adoption, Concurrent Planning and Temporary Approvals Foster Carers of Approved Prospective Adopters T4C Regional (Cross Ref National 5.2.16) 28/04/2021
Guide to Adoption and Adoption Support for Young People Guide 28/04/2021
Non-Agency Adoption Policy and Procedure (25/08/20) T4C Regional (Cross Ref National 5.2.10) 28/04/2021
Permanency Strategy See SOT Practice Hub 13/08/2021
Statement of Purpose Guidance 28/6/2022


Title Type of resource:
When Inserted:
Dealing with Emergency Situations Policy 18/07/2024
Fire Evacuation
Policy 18/07/2024
Active Involvement of Children and Quality of Care Policy 18/07/2024
Activities and Risk Assessment Policy 18/07/2024
Admissions and Discharge Policy 18/07/2024
Alcohol Policy for Young People and Residential Staff Policy 18/07/2024
Computers and Internet Use Policy 18/07/2024
Counteracting Bullying in Residential Care Policy


Delegated Authority Policy 18/07/2024
Direct Work Policy 18/07/2024
Education Policy 18/07/2024
Food Safety Policy 18/07/2024
Behaviour management and the use of physical intervention Policy



Healthy Eating Policy 18/07/2024
Infection Control Policy and Practice Guidance 18/07/2024
Inspection Practice 18/07/2024
Medication Practice 18/07/2024
Mobile Phones and Digital Images Procedure 18/07/2024
Petty Cash and Young People's Allowance Administration 18/07/2024
Personal Care of Young Person Policy 18/07/2024
Preparing Young People to Live Independently Policy 18/07/2024
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy 18/07/2024
Relationships Policy 18/07/2024
Repairs and Maintenance of the Home and Vehicle Policy and Procedure 18/07/2024
Smoking and E-Cigarettes Policy Policy 18/07/2024
Substance Misuse Policy 18/07/2024
Culturally Appropriate Care and Support Policy 14/10/2024
Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviours Risk Reduction Policy 17/10/2024


Title: Contact
When Inserted:

ADM Agency

Assistant Director, Children's Social Care

Vonni Gordon


ADM Agency

Principal Child and Family Social Worker

Lee Pardy-Mclaughlin 


ADM Fostering

Strategic Manager, Adoption & Fostering

Sarah Havill

Title: Resource Type
When Inserted:
PRACTICE HUB - Access only to SOT City Council Professionals