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Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Compliments and Complaints Internet July 2019
Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy Intranet August 2019
Information and Governance    
ICT Information and Governance Policies Intranet July 2019
Data Protection and Subject Access    
GDPR – what does it mean for Adult Social Care Practitioners and why is it important?   December 2019
Data Protection: Using your personal information Internet July 2019
Access to Your Personal Information (brochure)   July 2019
Subject Access Requests Guidance   July 2019
Data Protection Subject Access Request Form   July 2019
Data Protection Agent Form   July 2019
Reporting a Data Breach Intranet July 2019
ICO Guide to Data Protection Internet July 2019
Freedom of Information    
Information Sharing Policy Internet July 2019
Health and Safety    
Lone Working Procedure tri.x procedure  
Lone Working Policy Policy July 2019
Whistleblowing Policy Intranet July 2019
Travel and Subsistence Policy Intranet July 2019
Code of Conduct Intranet July 2019
Grievance Policy Intranet July 2019
Annual Leave and Flexible Working    
Annual Leave Policy Intranet July 2019
Compassionate Leave Policy (Bereavement and other Domestic Circumstances) Intranet August 2019
Flexible Working Hours Policy Intranet July 2019
Flexible Working Guidance Intranet July 2019
Occupational Health and Employee Wellbeing    
Occupational Health Intranet Page Intranet July 2019
Using Occupational Health For Managers Intranet July 2019
Using Occupational Health for Employees Intranet August 2019
Care First Intranet July 2019
Mindful Employer Internet July 2019
Supporting Carers in the Workforce Intranet August 2019
Managing Absence    
Sickness Absence Intranet Page Intranet July 2019
Managing Employee Health, Well-Being and Attendance Policy Intranet July 2019
Managing Employee Health, Well-Being and Attendance Guidance Intranet July 2019
Managing Sickness Absence Process Chart Intranet July 2019
Health and Safety Executive Guidance Internet July 2019
Link to ACAS Tools and Guidance Internet July 2019
Sickness Self Certificate Intranet July 2019
Managing the Return to Work Process Intranet July 2019
Checklist of Points to Cover During Management Meeting Intranet July 2019
Care First Management Referral Form Intranet July 2019
Stress Risk Management Intranet July 2019
Extended Phased Return Notification Intranet July 2019
Record of Reasonable Adjustments Form  Intranet July 2019
Managing Absence: Stage 1 Letter Templates    
Invite Short Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Invite Long Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Record of Meeting Short Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Record of Meeting Long Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Attendance Improvement Achieved Intranet July 2019
Managing Absence: Stage 2 Letter Templates    
Invite Further Short Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Invite Long Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Record of Meeting Short Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Record of Meeting Long Term Absence Intranet July 2019
Attendance Improvement Achieved Intranet July 2019


Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
ASC Resources    
Adult Services Case Recording Guidance Guidance June 2022
Interpreter and Translation Services tri.x procedure  
Translation and Interpreting Service Guidance July 2019
Legal Services Procedure tri.x procedure  
Form to Request Adult Services Legal Team Advice Referral Form March 2021
Adults Scrutiny Performance Report September 2019 Corporate September 2019
Adults Scrutiny Performance Report August 2019 Corporate August 2019
Adult Social Care Performance data 2018/2019 Corporate August 2019
Strategy and Policy    
ASC Business Plan Intranet August 2019
Health and Wellbeing Strategy Internet July 2019
Adult Care Resolution Pathway    
Adult Care Resolution Pathway Guidance and Process July 2019
Adult Care Resolution Pathway Flowchart   July 2019


Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Report a Concern about an Adult Experiencing or at Risk of Harm Online Referral Form May 2020
Children's Safeguarding Referral Form   October 2019
Information and Advice Resources    
Safeguarding Adults at Risk Leaflet   July 2019
Safeguarding Adults-Easy Read Guide   July 2019
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Poster   July 2019
Missing Person Strategy   December 2019
Modern Slavery Protocol   December 2019
Prevent and Channel (At Risk of Radicalisation)   July 2021
Think Family   November 2023
Staying Safe Online    
Get Safe Online Website Internet July 2019
Action Fraud Reporting Centre Internet July 2019
Policy, Procedure and Guidance    
Safeguarding Adults-Staff Guide   July 2019
Safeguarding Adults-Threshold of Needs Protocol   July 2019
Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Adults at Risk   October 2021
Risk Enablement and Positive Risk Taking  Policy, Procedures and Guidance July 2019
Risk Assessment tri.x procedure  
Adult Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse Support Guide July 2019
Adult Self Neglect and Hoarding Guidance   July 2019
Slavery and Modern Trafficking Statement   July 2019
Working with Risk   August 2024


Top Tips and Tools Type of Resource Date added/updated
ASYE Guidance Learning Tool from Service Users Guidance July 2019
Future Goal Setting Tool with Scaling and Long Term Planning Guidance July 2019
Practitioner Key Tools Guidance July 2019
Social Work Theory and Methods Comparison Table Guidance July 2019
A Reflective Practice Tool for Social Work Guidance July 2019
Five Things Gratitude Tool Do Anywhere Guidance July 2019
Wheel of Life Template with Instructions Guidance July 2019
Preparing for Supervision    
Case Preparation for Supervision   July 2019
Strengths Based Practice    
Strength Based Practice with Adults Guidance July 2019
Strength Based Approach Practice Framework and Handbook Guidance August 2019
Muriel Power Point July 2019
ASC Strength - Based Conversations Power Point July 2019
25 Powerful Questions to identify strengths Guidance July 2019
Managing Workload    
Caseload Guidance Tool July 2019
Case Weighting Framework   July 2019
Social Worker Capabilities    
BASW Professional Capabilities Framework for Social Work   July 2019
BASW Capabilities Statement-Older People   July 2019
BASW Professional Capabilities Framework Chart   July 2019
Other ADASS and LGA Guidance    
Resources to follow    
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Direct Payments    
Direct Payment Procedure tri.x procedure  
DP1 Direct Payment Agreement (Recipient with capacity) Template September 2019

DP2 Direct Payment Agreement (Authorised Person)

Template September 2019

DP Agreement

Agreement January 2024

DP Policy

Policy January 2024
Individual Service Funds (ISF)    
Guide to an ISF Guidance July 2019
Individual Service Fund Process   July 2019


Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
NHS Continuing Healthcare Procedure tri.x procedure  
NHS-funded Nursing Care Procedure tri.x procedure  
CHC/FNC/CHC Fast Track and Joint Funding Processes Range of processes July 2019
CHC Checklist Tool July 2019
CHC Consent Form Form July 2019
Joint Packages of Health and Social Care tri.x procedure  
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Moving and Handling Risk Assessments    
Blank Risk Assessment   August 2019
Cricket Risk Assessment   August 2019
ETAC Turner Risk Assessment   August 2019
Minilift Risk Assessment   August 2019
Mobile Hoist Risk Assessment   August 2019
Quickmove Risk Assessment   August 2019
Romedic.Ross Return 7500 Risk Assessment   August 2019
Sara Stedy Risk Assessment   August 2019
The Stand and Turn Easy Risk Assessment   August 2019
Major Adaptations Specifications    
Occupational Therapy Specifications List   August 2019
Blank Specification   August 2019
Banister Rails   August 2019
Bathroom Extension   August 2019
Bed and Bath Extension   August 2019
Bedroom Extension   August 2019
Concrete Ramps and Pathways   August 2019
Curved Track Stairlift   August 2019
Dropped Kerb Hardstanding   August 2019
Exterior Rails   August 2019
Exterior Steps and Half Steps   August 2019
Galvanised Exterior Rails   August 2019
Graded Floor Shower   August 2019
Interior Rails   August 2019
Kitchen   August 2019
Level Access Shower Tray   August 2019
New Toilet Facility   August 2019
Over Bath Shower   August 2019
Shower WC Cubicle   August 2019
Specialist Bath   August 2019
Specialist Toilet Facility   August 2019
Specifications of Scheme   August 2019
Step-In Easy Access Shower   August 2019
Steplift   August 2019
Straight Track Stairlift   August 2019
Through-Floor Lift   August 2019
Widening Exterior Doorways   August 2019
Widening Interior Doorways   August 2019
Considerations for Adaptation Specifications    
Kitchens Considerations   August 2019
Heating Considerations   August 2019
Exterior Steps and Half Steps Considerations   August 2019
Extensions Considerations   August 2019
Dropped Kerb Hardstanding Considerations   August 2019
Concrete Ramping and Pathways Considerations   August 2019
Ceiling Track Hoist Flow Chart   August 2019
Widening Doorways Considerations   August 2019
Through Lifts Considerations   August 2019
Steplift Considerations   August 2019
Stairlift Considerations   August 2019
Stairgate Considerations   August 2019
Specialist Toilet Facilities Considerations   August 2019
Specialist Bath Considerations   August 2019
Specialist WC Considerations   August 2019
Showers Considerations   August 2019
Showers WC Cubicle Considerations   August 2019
Rails Considerations   August 2019
Over Bath Shower Considerations   August 2019
New Toilet Facility Considerations   August 2019


Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Swindon Children's Services Procedures tri.x procedures August 2019
Swindon Preparing for Adulthood - Transitions Protocol for Young People with Additional Needs Protocol December 2019
LD Team referral    
LD Referral form Referral form August 2019
Referral to Swindon Advocacy Movement (SAM) Link to SAM website August 2019
Health referrals    
Referral Form for LD Health Referral form August 2019
ASD Diagnosis Referral Form Referral form August 2019
Specialist Documents to support assessments and reviews    
ABC Recording Chart Format Template March 2020
Blank Behavioural Spreadsheet Template March 2020
Instructions for blank behavioural spreadsheet Guidance March 2020
 ABC Time Recording Guidance March 2020
ABC Chart Template March 2020
ABC Guidelines Guidance March 2020
LD Housing Flow Chart Process August 2019
Move On Flow Chart Process August 2019
Adult Social Care Housing Form Referral form August 2019
Also see Arranging Services and Housing    
Other referral forms    
CTPLD Link Worker Referral Form Referral form September 2020
Form to Request Adult Services Legal Team Advice Referral form August 2019
Citizens Advice Bureau Referral Form Online Referral form March 2021
Building Bridges Referral Form Form December 2019
Concessionary Travel Form Form December 2019
Concessionary Travel Letter Template December 2019
Swindon Mind Autism and Learning Disability Service referral form Referral form April 2022
Swindon Mind Autism and Learning Disability Service leaflet Leaflet April 2022
Helpful Provider Contacts    
Helpful Swindon Provider Contacts Guidance December 2019
Link to Enterprise Works Website Link January 2020
Also see Arranging Services and Regulated Services sections below    
Community Meals    
Community Meals Website link January 2020
Letter templates    
Pre-Assessment Letter Template January 2020
All About Me    
Initial Assessment Report Guidance  August 2019
Personal Programme Report (Pre-Assessment Paperwork) Guidance  August 2019
Goal Planning    
GPD-How to Guidelines Guidance August 2019
Goal Planning Document (GPD) Guidance August 2019
CTR & Blue Light    
Care and Treatment Review & Blue Light Protocol, Guidance and Policy (Adults and Children) Protocol August 2019
My Care and Treatment Planner Guidance December 2019
Model Agenda for Care and Treatment Reviews Guidance December 2019
CTR Code and Tool Kit Guidance December 2019
Supervision Template Template September 2019
Planning Live    
Planning Live Leaflet December 2019
Planning Live Poster December 2019
Planning Live Poster Poster March 2020
Planning Live Leaflet Leaflet March 2020
Planning Live Impact Audit Template March 2020
Planning Live Feedback Tracker Template March 2020
Planning Live Event Feedback Template March 2020
Planning Live QA Plan and Timing Template March 2020
Planning Live Consent Form Template March 2020
Planning Live Venues List Template March 2020
Planning Live Transitions Invite Letter Template March 2020
Planning Live LCT Invite Letter Template March 2020
Planning Live DCT Invite Letter Template March 2020
Planning Live CiC Invite Letter Template March 2020
Planning Live Event Planning Guide Guidance March 2020
LD Direct Payment Financial Assessment Process before a young person reaches age 18 Guidance December 2019
Criminal Justice System    
Court Diversion LD Criminal Justice Guidance December 2019
Court Attendance Booklet Leaflet December 2019
Notification Requirements for RSO Guidance December 2019
Pornography and the Law Guidance December 2019
Youth Custody Leaflet December 2019
Prison Information Leaflet December 2019
Probation Information Leaflet December 2019
Home Office Guidance on Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 Guidance December 2019
Framework for Capacity to Consent to Sexual Relations Guidance December 2019
Brook Traffic Light Tool for Sexual Behaviours Guidance December 2019
Telecare and Homeline    
Telecare Website Link January 2020
Homeline Website Link January 2020
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Money Management Procedure tri.x procedure  
OPG2: Giving Gifts for Someone Else Internet July 2019
Deputyship Guide Guidance March 2022
Money Management Referral Form Referral Form March 2022
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Swindon Carers Centre Internet August 2019
Carers UK Internet August 2019
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Mental Capacity    
Mental Capacity Act 2005 Resource and Practice Toolkit tri.x resource  
Assessing Capacity - Financial Decisions Guidance February 2021
Deprivation of Liberty    
Recognising and Responding to Deprivations of Liberty tri.x procedure August 2019
DoLS Procedure tri.x procedure August 2019
Liberty Protection Safeguards Procedure tri.x procedure August 2019
Community DoL application guidance Guidance August 2021
Full COPDOL11 template with guidance Guidance November 2020
Basic guide to the Court of Protection Guidance August 2021
Section 21A process chart Guidance August 2021
Community DoL flowchart Flowchart August 2021
CoP Template Statement Template August 2021


Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Commissioning, Contracting and Brokerage Procedure tri.x procedure  
Domiciliary Care Process Flowchart July 2019
Residential and Nursing Placements/Respite    
Residential and Nursing Placement Process   July 2019
Residential and Nursing Respite Process   July 2019
Residential and Nursing Placement/Respite (self funders)   July 2019
Placement Process 2019 Brokerage use July 2019
Placement Process 2019 OOA Brokerage use July 2019
Placement Process 2019-Self Funders Brokerage use July 2019
Rapid Referral Process Brokerage use July 2019
Respite Process 2019 Brokerage use July 2019
Learning Disability    
Residential and Supported Living Power Point   July 2019
Referral Forms    
Young Person's Referral for Supported Accommodation   July 2019
Housing Resettlement and Floating Support Service Referral   July 2019
Mental Health Accommodation Common Referral Form   July 2019
Voluntary Sector Services    
Voluntary Sector Commissioned Services (overviews & referral)   July 2019
Regulated Services    
See Regulated Services section below    
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
What Type of Housing (where to refer based on housing type) Flowchart July 2019
The Duty to Refer (homeless/risk of homelessness/unable to return) Flowchart July 2019
Extra Care Referral Process Flowchart July 2019
Adult Care Team Housing Referral Process Flowchart July 2019
Hospital Discharge Referral Process Flowchart July 2019
Supported Housing Flow Chart Flowchart December 2019
LD Supported Accommodation Referral Flowchart July 2019
Housing Application link Internet July 2019
Homelessness information Internet July 2019
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Swindon's Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Website-see Public Health Procedure July 2019
Live Well Hub (all services and eligibility)   July 2019
Healthy Living Support Information Sheet Leaflet July 2019
Diabetes Website Internet July 2019 Email to access Smokefree Swindon July 2019
Workplace Health for Swindon Businesses   July 2019
Operating Model for Self Neglect and Hoarding Service   September 2021
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Referral forms    
Firethorn Referral Form Referral Form September 2019
OK4U Referral Form Referral Form September 2019
Shared Lives Referral Form Referral Form September 2019
Statements of Purpose    
Fessey House Statement of Purpose   July 2019
Whitbourne House Statement of Purpose   July 2019
OK4U Statement of Purpose   July 2019
Swindon Family Breaks Statement of Purpose   September 2019
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
ASC Supervision Policy Policy April 2024
Supervision Agreement Template (Form A) Template April 2024
Supervision Record Template (Form B) Template April 2024
Peer Supervision Record Template (Form C) Template April 2024
Direct Observation Template (Form D) Template April 2024
Giving Feedback 2 minute guide April 2024
Supervision Practice Guidance April 2024
Workload Tracker example Example April 2024
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Learning and Development Intranet Page Intranet July 2019
Induction and Pre-Start Checklists    
Resources pending   August 2019
Title Type of Resource Date added/updated
Training and support Intranet February 2021
User guides Intranet February 2021
Process maps Intranet February 2021
System access forms and guidance Intranet February 2021