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Title: When Inserted:
Medication Log Sheet 1 November 2022
Medication Log Sheet 2 November 2022
Mileage Claim - Expenses Form November 2022
Learning Log Sheet November 2022
Skills Level Report  July 2024
Title: When insterted
Being in Foster Care - A Guide for Older Children November 2022
Being in Foster Care - A Guide for Younger Children November 2022
The Children in Care Council Sheffield website - The Care Council represents the views of children and young people in care.  November 2022
Events 2023/2024 May 2024



Fostering Library with Hard Copy Books:

Our fostering library offers a variety of books to support foster carers and the children in their care. If you are a foster carer and would like to borrow any book, please contact your fostering social worker, who can arrange this for you. You can browse the available books here: Librarika: Sheffield City Council Fostering Service Library

Education Resources:

Activity Booklet 

Christmas Activities 

Easter Activities

Halloween Activities 

Let's Get Moving 

Sheffield Virtual School - Supporting Education at Home  

Virtual School Baking Book

Virtual School 101 Activities to Support Reading 

Virtual School 101 Activities to Support Maths

Behaviour management/emotions resources:
Flipping your lid brain in the palm of your hands 
Emotional regulation diagram
Bringing hidden needs to the surface 
Name it to tame it with visuals 
ADHD and ASD Resources List
Fight and Flight
Making Sense of Your Senses
Managing Meltdowns Top Tips
Recognising and Naming Feelings
Relaxation Strategies
Sensory Top Tips
Health resources:
Anxiety Top Tips NHS
Coping with Self Harm Guide
Disability Resources Links
Energy Management
Religion/Culture resources:
Supporting Children during Ramadan
Sexual abuse:
Why my child: A guide for parents of children who have been sexually abused
Speech and language:
Fostering Speech and Language Therapist Role
Fostering Speech and Language Therapy: Social Stories Training 2023 - YouTube
Fostering Speech and Language Therapy: Identifying and supporting Speech Language and Communication Needs in under 5s
Fostering Speech and Language Therapy: Supportive Communication Strategies for under 10s 
Fostering Speech and Language Therapy: Supportive Communication Strategies - over 10s
Comic Strip Conversations
Feelings Chart
Social Stories Planner
Talking Mat - Managing Big Feelings
Transitions from Foster Care Placement to Adoptive Family Good Practice Guidance
Title: - free tools and resources for children and young people suffering from anxiety


Beacon House -  free resources on child trauma, attachment and family mental health - free tools and resources to support children and young people with their emotions and feelings.


Foster Talk -  free support to Sheffield City Council foster carers


New Family Social - website supporting LGBTQ foster carers


Serious Care Reviews related to Fostering (Serious Case Reviews are conducted in circumstances where there has been a death of a child or young person and abuse or neglect is known or suspected, or where there has been a serious injury and there are concerns about interagency working.)


SocialWorkersToolBox - free resources on sexual abuse prevention and intervention